WP eCommerce Coaching For Business Owners

Sell Your Products & Services Online Like An Expert!   Watch this NOW! Learn: Sales Copy, Emails, Shopping Cart tips, Marketing Digital eBooks, Music, Audios, Videos, Using Coupons, Upselling, Cross Selling, Membership, Bonus', eBook Marketing, Vendors, Shipping Tips and more   This class is for anyone in a freelance operation, someone who has created their own product, has multiple products from multiple vendors. I've seen the result so many times it's oftentimes hard to believe- but as soon as these kind of services and offerings get put into a shopping cart- sales go UP!    When I started my kitchenware store back in 1997 I never imagined it would grow to over 4 million dollars in sales. Nor did I think I'd be writing all the copy, managing all the behind scenes, orchestrating a [...]

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Online Profits Easier Than Ever!

Speak Your Prospects Language & Closing The Sale Gets Very Easy Through A Website, Email & More! Turn every email, autoresponder and follow up series into CASH ON DEMAND! Understanding how to talk to your prospects emotions, desires and wants is the key to successful marketing & sales. Do you know how to speak to your prospect in such a way that they get their wallet out and PURCHASE instantly? With just a few simple strategies you could create "Cash On Demand" with your website. Email auto-responders seal the deal if they don't buy instantly the first time.  My expertise is in closing the sale quickly through the written word, through video and email follow up. I've sold 73 products on one 35 minute teleseminar that sold for $ 599 each. Every client I've [...]

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Created For A System That Sucks

I grew up in a middle class home with a dream to have children, a white picket fence and a husband who loved me. I got it all but it's no longer my dream. You see, along the way motherhood became something I was very passionate about and having a marriage that was healthy became a huge goal. But the white picket fence and the dream house nearly cost me the pursuit of both. We got the dream house once. The expenses tripled in under three years. So we sold it and got out of debt. We're still 100% debt free and I think pursuing a healthy marriage and being a great Mom is a lot easier when you are. When I was growing up I told my parents I wanted to own a [...]

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WP Mastery Tele-Seminar

Wordpress, everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask! This teleseminar was attended by over 200 people with amazing reviews!   WP Tele-Seminar     --- <<<<  Click here to listen NOW! We'll be covering: * Instaliing Wordpress in under 10 minutes.. and it works * What the heck a plug in is and why you don't want 100's working at one time * How to choose a theme that is SEO friendly * Hiring a web person for customization who isn't a jerk * Learning how to place your copy in a specific place sales rise rapidly * What is a widget and why do widgets make you a lot of cash * Videos inside of Wordpress and how to make huge money with them * Send every email to Wordpress for [...]

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