Do You Need An INVESTOR? Or Do You Need More Customers?

Customers Or Investors? What do most businesses need.The sharks on Shark Tank are genius business investors and serial entrepreneurs. Small business owners seek out their help to grow their brand and company. But do most of the people who come to The Shark Tank need an investor? Or do they need customers? Listen and find out what Sandi Krakowski, builder of a $20 MILLION dollar online empire, would say!Posted by Sandi Krakowski on Monday, November 16, 2015The Sharks on The Shark Tank are GENIUS business investors and serial entrepreneurs. Small business owners seek out their help to grow their brand and company. But do most of the people who come to The Shark Tank need an investor? OR do they need customers? Listen and find out what Sandi Krakowski, builder of a $20 MILLION [...]

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Big Facebook Ad CONVERSION Secret For Small Budgets

During the last few years I've spent over $1 MILLION dollars on Facebook Ads. So you could say I'm somewhat of an 'expert'. Through my research, marketing and sales I've discovered a few key secrets that small business owners can use to get big results, on a super tight budget!It's been an honor to help over 200,000 small business owners increase their conversion through Facebook marketing and Facebook Ads. One of my specialties, because I am a direct response copywriter, is in teaching business owners who have never done any kind of ads before how to target their audiences accurately and get quick response to their ads.Here's a BIG tip for your small budget ad campaigns on the Facebook platform: MICRO-NICHES. When you do any kind of Like Page Ad, Website Conversion or Website [...]

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3 Secrets To Facebook Ad Conversion No One Is Talking About

 3 Secrets To Facebook Ad Conversion No One Is Talking About I've had the pleasure of working with over 250,000 small business owners during the last two years through my Facebook Ad classes, Facebook Marketing mentorships and more. The number one challenge they have is writing ads that convert. Let's think this through. YOUR prospect is not on Facebook looking for something to buy. They're watching cat videos, checking up on their friends, trying to tune something out around them so they grab their phone and look for something fun, interesting or controversial to connect with for a few minutes.The average user on the Facebook platform is on their phone or other device for about 20 minutes. So you, the marketer and advertiser, have to grab their attention right in the middle of their cat video search, long enough [...]

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Why Some People Succeed….. and Others Won’t

I remember building my very first online eCommerce store back in the 1990's. Knowing NOTHING about the online space, I didn't even know how to make a link clickable. Many people look at where I'm at today and think there's no way I've ever struggled like they are. The truth is, I know it so well, it is why I'm able to read people when they're in my coaching program and sometimes, can even predict if they'll actually succeed.The feelings are still very familiar, and the war is still very fresh in my mind. Feeling completely overwhelmed by HTML and XTML and Java and Flash and Clickable links and MajorDomo (that was the email program we used in the 90's) and the list goes on. But along with the feelings of confusion were other [...]

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