My BRAND NEW Apparel Store Opened!! Today’s Mood!

 OH MY GOODNESS..... I could hardly wait to talk to all of you this morning. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I have a big thing to share with all of you that we are so so grateful for!Yesterday, November 25th at 4:00 pm CST a dream came true that I've held in my heart for more than 15+ years!  I opened my brand new apparel company, Today's Mood.  Clothing speaks when words can't..... what's Today's Mood?About six months ago my amazing Executive Assistant Abigail and I were dreaming. We began to talk about what I would love to do if I could open any kind of store possible. Jeremy and I were already finishing up the final touches of our Coffee Club, The Krak Haus Coffee (opens in January with first orders planned by early February). We FINALLY found the [...]

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Small Business Owners… I have a WORD for you!

SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS, I have a word for you! The way we think and how we believe affects more than even our skill set and experience in business. I've sat in high level masterminds with multi-millionaires and even a few billionaires and the reality is this- EVERYONE has head crap. But what we do with it, defines our future and our lives. Listen up! We all have defining moments we'll never forget when we hit our lowest point in time. What we do at THAT MOMENT will define us. The most successful people in the world all have that moment. We can't keep trying to ignore it, deny it, or using it as our excuse for why we are where we are at. We must USE IT as a weapon against the possibility of ever [...]

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Why Being Someone You’re Not At Work Is Dangerous, EXPENSIVE and Discouraging

Why Being Someone You're Not At Work Is Dangerous, EXPENSIVE And DiscouragingLet me start this article out with this statement: IF you read any article I've EVER written, this one is the one to NOT overlook or miss.Have you ever felt like you're being someone you're not? One opinion rises up inside of you, but your mouth (and heart) go in another direction? Peer pressure, expectations of parents, counseling (and powerful suggestions from career coaches) and more can do quite the number on our brain, our confidence and eventually, our future. However, living in our truest self is the best gift you can give to yourself and the world.If I had a dime for every time someone told me I would 'be great' at something, I would have well over $10 million dollars in [...]

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Cars, Diamonds, Money, and GOD

 I recently bought a gorgeous Mercedes Benz convertible. When I was celebrating on my Facebook page.... some people were inspired and excited.. others wanted to rip me to shreds. Unliked my page and had a fit! Let me trigger you and lead you on a path of righteousness. It absolutely cracks me up when people go off on a car or a purse or diamonds or something. This is not a defensive post, but as a leader, as a company owner, as a Pioneer, I'll say something because I believe Holy Spirit will set some people absolutely FREE! I was raised and groomed with a poverty religious spirit, so I KNOW what it takes to get set FREE from that. It's one of the hardest things you'll ever do. So listen up...If I live on [...]

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