Why Faith At Work Is Not A Christian Thing

When I started sharing my faith on my social media pages and my blog several years ago, so many people were excited! I own a corporation, and have been running very successful companies for 20 years now. People pay me a lot of money to help them tell their story, increase conversion on their ads and email campaigns and more. So talking about prophetic vortexes or a word from God was typically politically incorrect. However.... it seemed that the more I shared, two things happened that were pretty significant:1- A lot of people were thrilled! It encouraged them and inspired them to take their faith to work2- Some people were mad. They wanted me to shut up already about God. Warning me that 'bringing God' into my company would destroy my credibility and profits.Well, [...]

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Gay Teens And The Crisis Of Shame, Bullying And Abuse In Faith-Based Homes

I'm writing through tears. I've just watched the episode of Grey's Anatomy that aired September 24th. The opening story is about two young girls who everyone in the ER believes have just been hit by a train. Everyone is in a panic, frantically running around, trying to do all that they can to help. One girl is in critical condition; the other is awake, with severe injuries, but lucid and talking with the team. The story moves forward and we, the viewer, are then alarmed to discover that this was not an accident. The two teen girls are in love and have decided to jump in front of a train, promising to be together, dead or alive. Life has gotten so hard for them in school and at home, they believe this is their only [...]

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Boundaries For Small Business Owners

SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS! When you build your business, remember to be personal, authentic and bring some of your own life into your 'marketing' on social media. I've been a direct response copywriter and have built 12 successful companies online in the last 20 years. The #1 thing that has separated me from the competition through the years is my ability to bring the 'personal side' of things into the online world.Look at it this way: If we as business owners online had a brick and mortar store, we'd get to know people, have conversations with our customers and we'd do life together! Especially with customers who come back over and over again. But that doesn't mean you get so personal that there are no boundaries.Friendly but not familiar is key. The people on my [...]

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Doing The Hard Things In Business & In Life

As the CEO of your own company you are going to have to do HARD THINGS. Get over it. If you can't, you won't last. Here are some hard things to consider as you grow your brand, yourself personally and your vision:1) Make hard decisions that oftentimes people don't like and might even get their feelings hurt so that we can do what GOD has equipped us for2) STOP giving away our power because we crave everyone's approval, advice and input3) Be willing to be taught how to go farther and quit acting like we know everything when we know we don't! (THIS is a biggy for me as I step into my own television show and working with a huge publisher. I'm grateful for my team, agent and Fathers and Mothers in the [...]

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