Will This Work? Jumping In With Both Feet As A New Business Owner

  Will This Work? Jumping In With Both Feet As A New Business OwnerBy: Sandi Krakowski When we start a new business so many questions can run through our mind. Things like: "Will this work?""Is this something I can make money on?""Should I be doing this?".....are just a small sampling of the common questions that can plague the new business owner. Imagine if you will, that there is a coach who knows everything. They can just look at an idea and know if it will fly. Let's say there is such a coach who anyone can bring their their business plans to. This person is able to tell others, "Yes that will work and be very profitable" or "No that's a failing idea and that won't work at all." Such a coach, if there was one, would dominate the marketplace and be the [...]

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Saturday Thoughts……. WHAT is my purpose?

SATURDAY THOUGHTS..... I've had an internal struggle for the last year that has never been shared anywhere. It's a struggle that really didn't bother me initially, but now, it burns in my heart, longing for an answer. God created me as an anomaly. Having huge success in business, as a woman who built her first 7-figure business online twenty years ago without a mentor, past experience or anything positions me in the business community in a very unique way. Many times however, it's also positioned me to be a threat to those who are proud of their accomplishments and all that they 'earned'.They did their time, got an education and were therefore entitled to stand in their status. Me? I started a website when I had no experience and didn't even know what I [...]

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Take A Risk, Follow Your Instinct

People ask me all the time to share with them the biggest thing that is responsible for the success I've had in life and business.  They are usually looking for a strategy, something they can apply to their own work, or a secret 'sauce' if you will, that they might be missing. For me that big thing is instinct.An entrepreneur is wired (God gave it to you!) with this inner voice, that goes beyond just heart felt feelings, passion or drive. It's a knowing without knowing, an understanding without really understanding. But it won't quit and it is very real. Follow that. You won't get everything right, when you follow your instinct, but you will be led to many things that are beyond anything you could have ever imagined, if you'll grow this instinctive way of working.Dreaming [...]

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PRODUCTIVITY: How To Get More Done By Doing The Most Valuable And Sustainable Items In Life And Business

 Beginning of the week challenge for all of my  clients-THIS BOOK is on my reading list and my LISTENING list twice per year. I challenge you all to listen to it on audio AND read it this month. If you do, it will change your productivity and your life!  The Magic Of Thinking BigMany of you know that I am absolute believer in good rest and hard play. I'm also known for being a PRODUCING machine. Some people say that I can get done in one week the tasks of 5 people. Well, I don't know about that, life has never been easy for me. I've homeschooled my kids while running companies and dealing with chronic pain and several diseases. But I DO KNOW THIS: There are a few key reasons why I get [...]

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