Do You REALLY Have To Work 90 Hours Per Week To Succeed In Business?

THOUGHTs for you today on mentors: Some mentors make people feel bad, or guilty for not working 24/7, 90 hours per week. For many many years a 'stronghold' belief was creating in the business world that you can prove how powerful and rich you are by how many hours you work. Not only is this faulty, but it's ego and based on idolatry. GOD can empower you to DO MORE in less time and to ACCOMPLISH things you've never done before because you are WILLING to work hard, work excellently, work diligently and then you will obediently UNPLUG. Family is important, rest is important, personal time and self care are important. When we neglect these things, or get them out of balance, EVERYTHING is out of balance. For example, you can't neglect your small [...]

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How To Create Great Content Without Being Overwhelmed Or Bored On Your Social Media Pages

How To Create Great Content Without Being Overwhelmed Or Bored On Your Social Media Pages  I've been building my social media presence since 2010. I got very serious about it in 2011 when things really took off. As many of you know, we now reach more than 1.8 million people every single day with over 73 MILLION ORGANIC impressions every 90 days. This possibility awaits you! One of the top three questions I get from students who attend my classes is : "How do I create great content every day, day in and day out?" My best advice is this: Always be living in the realm that your clients live in. Don't let their barometer or questions spur your interest, always be one step ahead! If you're in the nutrition and health industry, you should be reading 2-4 books [...]

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We Act On What We Believe, Not On What We Know

  I am always amazed when someone asks me for advise, counseling, prayer, what have you- and they tell me the dilemma, the trial, the situation and when I give them what I believe God teaches – they more times than not will say- I know.. I know. The problem you see is not what we know, it’s what we believe. What we believe dictates what we do. And our actions are led, motivated, governed by what we believe. So what you know in plain terms doesn’t mean anything, it’s what you believe about what you know, or maybe, about what you don’t know, that is creating the life you now live. Example: Let’s say you believe that if you do certain activities in a business over and over again you will eventually get [...]

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ONE PERSON Should Be The Focus of All Marketing, Advertising, Branding & Copywriting

In the digital world, the internet and instant communication it is VERY important to understand where your MAIN FOCUS should be in all of your marketing, advertising, branding and copywriting.  This ONE FOCUS should reach and influence the most people who can and will respond. Do you know what this focus should be? Should you FOCUS on all the ways that your product or service solve a big problem? Many amateur marketers, advertisers, branding so-called specialists and copywriters tend to take a direction that leaves far too many profits on the table.  It's the focus of themselves. Recently I was editing a sales letter that someone had me review, hoping to 'tweak' it for better results. The headline read:  I Have Investors Waiting To Give You Money For Your Foreclosing Home- Call Me NOW! [...]

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