YouTube Is Changing Dramatically! How Facebook Really PUSHED The Shove On Google

YouTube Is Changing Dramatically! How Facebook Really PUSHED The Shove On Google I’m not so sure it’s coincidental. A few days after Facebook releases it’s “GoLive!” feature on verified celebrity pages (I happen to be one of those pages!) through their Mentions app, we see Google creating a new parent company, Alphabet. The world as we know it is changing.About a year ago I predicted that Facebook would become the largest search engine online. Being the single largest community driven platform, with 1 out of 7 people on the EARTH connecting, as Mark Z announced just last week, it holds a lot of clout. But the biggest shift we’re seeing is in the realm of videos.Facebook also announced their going to be sharing revenue with video producers. This will DRAMATICALLY change the life and [...]

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Did Your Facebook Ads Account Get Banned Or Shut Down? PLEASE READ…..

Did Your Facebook Ads Account Get Banned Or Shut Down? PLEASE READ..... Facebook is the largest community based platform in the social media world today. Last Monday, it was announced that 1 out of 7 people on the EARTH connect with their family and friends on the platform. It's a marketers dream to be able to get their message and products in front of this many people. But with this dream, comes responsibility.  Facebook is a marketing firm. When you do advertisements on their platform, it's imperative that you play by their TOS: Terms Of Service and obey their rules. If you don't, you'll get banned. It would be irresponsible to work with a magazine publisher, a television network, a billboard company or any other marketing firm and not know the TOS of the company [...]

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How One Client Shifted From Offline One-To-One Workshops To A Virtual Training Company

How One Client Shifted From Offline One-To-One Workshops To A Virtual Training CompanyWhen Mark hired me for private one on one consultation and we spent a full VIP day together in my downtown offices, he was exhausted, struggling to make more money and had more clients than he could handle. Read that carefully:  He was exhausted. He needed to make more money. He already had a ton of clients and couldn't keep up! His entire team was local, and so were his clients. However, he wasn’t charging what he was worth and was delivering ENORMOUS value to his clients. This problem is not so unique. I see it all the time.His model was built around doing full day consultations and two-three day workshops. As I reviewed all of the content on his website, I was both excited and [...]

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How One Business Owner Increased Her Profits By Changing Her “Voice”

 Do YOU Need To Change Your Voice?Suzette owns a consulting practice where she serves families who have autistic children. She is a speech pathologist  and has gone to college and worked with the a lot  medical experts to understand the psychological and physical aspects of autism. Her very successful practice is run in her home. Learning how to transfer her message to a social media world presented several challenges. This is why she came to me for some help. When she started working on her Facebook page and wanted to increase engagement, it was only natural for her to believe that doing videos and blog posts from a medical and professional standpoint would be the best way to serve others.  In her practice she really enjoyed being able to work with parents and brought solutions to help [...]

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