Facebook Ads 2.0 Students- Sandi Rewrites YOUR Ads!

Facebook Ads 2.0  Students- Sandi Rewrites YOUR Ads!Did you take my Facebook Ads 2.0 class? Please read!As many of you know thousands of people took this class and the results have been absolutely amazing. Emails pouring in of people having success who have struggled with ads for years! Ad budgets coming down, deals closed (Jane Button said she's closed $30,000+ in coaching contracts!), programs filling up and more!We did a survey with our students asking if it would help them to see me working on THEIR ads?  As you can see from the results below, everyone is quite excited. Here are some of those results!  I've opened up some time on my schedule to be able to help you! Please know that I'm currently working with a top publisher on my next book AND meeting with [...]

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How To Increase Conversions On Social Media

How To Increase Conversions On Social Media FREE Social Media Training with ARealChange.TV! On this episode I'm teaching how to increase conversions on social media. Whether you're launching a product, event or even want to get more opt-ins to your email list, this will increase your conversions and create MAGNETIC results for you! Let's go!   <<<<---- CLICK HERE to watch the video NOW!      

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Building A Small Business- Small business owners asked me questions and here’s the top answers!

Building A Small Business- Small business owners asked me questions and here's the top answers!  Earlier today I asked small business owners on my Facebook Page with over 1.2 million people their top burning questions. I grabbed my phone, did a video and answered their TOP questions. On this video you'll learn: How do I decide what to build my business around when I have 1000+ ideas?! How do I make my family and friends honor my boundaries when I work at home? What do we do when we're terrified to do videos? How many times should I be posting videos on my page? What about Facebook Groups? Are these a great tool to use for business? How do we create a business if we have serious health issues? How many times should I [...]

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On social media we’re not entitled to one thing. EVER.

On social media, we're not entitled to one thing. EVER.  If that statement bothers you, than you better read this.  I hear it everyday. I SEE it everyday. Incredible. First people have no one on their page. So, they take my classes, they get a ton of highly targeted followers and then they want to know 'when they can EXPECT to see more reach.' OR..... they do some ads, everyday. Build a great page, engage with people and comment back...... and then they let it go. They start scheduling posts, ignoring their page, putting things on auto-pilot and acting like they're entitled to having anyone comment, like or share on their page...... then, they say something really stupid like, 'I think Facebook really jacked up the things now because even my page isn't getting any reach.' In the [...]

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