What’s In Sandi’s Purse?

"What's In Sandi's Purse?" OK... so disclaimer. My team had some fun with me today. Their idea totally! "What's In Sandi's Purse" (I can't believe I'm letting this go live!) Posted by Sandi Krakowski on Monday, August 3, 2015  

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Micro-Text Posts For Engagement On Your Facebook Page

  Micro-Text Posts For Engagement On Your Facebook Page The first time I used a short, brief text post on Facebook, it was through an ad. I was AMAZED at the response! I got the idea from a headline I saw on a website. It was the thing I needed to kick things up! Ironically, the website had nothing to do with what we market. But fresh inspiration oftentimes comes from places like this for me. (That's a lesson all in itself for you!  Stop looking only at pages and websites that are only like your current niche! Go outside- get new ideas!) Then I tried it on my Facebook page, Twitter and InstaGram and got even greater results! Here's how they work: Make a list of 3 words, with a period between each.  Happiness. Understanding. Wisdom. Joy. PEACE. Life. [...]

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Faith Works, At Work And God Wants To Impact Lives Through Business

Faith Works, At Work And God Wants To Impact Lives Through Business PROPHETIC WORD for today: I hear and read a lot of quotes that say God is moving in the workplace. Many marketplace ministries have been formed to talk about GOD moving in business and in the realm where most people spend MOST of their day. But sadly, they all become parachurch organizations typically run by mostly men, and most of the people teaching or leading teach in the church or run ministries. All of this is good and I bless it! But, there is a SHIFT that is happening right now. God is moving and HE WANTS agents who will go into the highest realms of commerce and bring heaven. Where you go, He goes, where you work, His Spirit comes. Bring [...]

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Why Marketing To Micro-Niches On Facebook Is A Small Business Owners Secret Weapon

Why Marketing To Micro-Niches On Facebook Is A Small Business Owners Secret Weapon When you go into the Facebook Ad Manager and access the "Audience Insights" the business pages on Facebook and all of their data are available for review. This information is very helpful when targeting and writing copy for your ads and content. You'll see what the average shopping patterns are of an audience connected to a page, how much their household income is, what kind of products they typically buy and one other piece of data that many small business owners are ignoring. Demographics is a part of traditional advertising. It's useful for your marketing campaigns. However, when we start doing marketing, ads and creating content for social media, something else rises to the top, many times above demographics. That is [...]

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