Scheduling Content Ahead Of Time On Your Social Media Platforms

Scheduling Content Ahead Of Time On Your Social Media Platforms Today I want to share with you the thing that keeps me on track, helps me to never forget a day of content, and it helps me to stay accountable to my audience with regular postings. I schedule ahead of time 90% of my content. Most of it I schedule in Sprout Social and the same content is being sent to both Twitter and Facebook. This makes it very easy to get things in place ahead of time, especially on very busy days. If I am going to be traveling, gone for a weekend, etc, I can schedule my content and not worry about it. I make a committment to check in on my page twice per day, nearly every day, for 10 minutes each time. This takes only 20-30 minutes [...]

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The Social Media Engagement Snowball

The Social Media Engagement Snowball by Jeremy Krakowski Why is engagement more important than the amount of followers you have on Social Media? It’s a snowball effect that a lot of advertisers and social media marketers ignore at the core level, but is the very foundation of how social media works. It’s about human interaction. If no one is interested in what you are talking about, those 500,000 followers on your page don’t mean anything, and your impact is that of a page with 5,000 followers. But what does this matter to business? How does this convert to any impact in sales or revenue? Would you rather have a page of 500,000 people and only 50 of them purchasing from you, or 50,000 of them purchasing from you? I would say 50,000 is a [...]

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What Is Sandi Reading? “The Art Of The Start 2.0” by Guy Kawasaki

What Is Sandi Reading This Week? The Art Of The Start 2.0 by Guy Kawasaki  When I first interviewed Guy in 2011, not only did I know we'd probably be friends for a long time, I also knew I wanted to read every book he's ever written. I did just that. In my office is every book he's ever written (or at least the ones I could find on Amazon!) and they are some of my favorite reference books on the topic of business, writing, working with people and more. Guy is an amazing man, the real deal. He's genuine, kind and let me say this here and now, EXTREMELY generous. He selfishly gives of his time and his expertise as often as he can. As a matter of fact he's coming to Kansas City in October [...]

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What Is A “Dark Post” On Facebook And Is It Legal?

Are you ready to take your Facebook marketing to the next step? Grab a pen and paper, I want to talk to you today about a little strategy that no one is talking about that is the small business owners 'salvation' when it comes to marketing and advertising. Well, I take that back. There's a lot of people writing about it and talking about it, but no one is showing a small business owner how to guard their pocketbook and still have great resuls with this powerful little tool! Here's the deal, you have a Facebook page, targeted followers and if you're following any of my teachings, you know, that you also have only so much real estate on the Facebook platform in which to advertise from and on. So HOW do you get your content in [...]

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