Why Do We Fight To Beat The Odds?

Word for today, March 6, 2015: We take that step forward, against all odds, even when we have a 99% chance of failing because the WIN on the other side is so worth the fight! The ones who won't fight, who calculate the odds and say the fight isn't worth it, will never experience the rush, the against-all-odds win, that a Champion is able to glory in, because they quit, they gave up and their surrendered to an odd. A mere calculation strangles their faith. Having to see in the natural suffocates the ability to see in the spirit. Why do we fight, when everything is against us, the odds and calculations are not in our favor? Because a CHAMPION lives in the 1%. They know that it's not what has happened to us [...]

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The #BEMORE NO-DIET Think Better, Look Younger, Feel Alive & Lose Weight 30-Day Program- GROUP 2

Did you miss is the first time around? JOIN US for group #2! The #BEMORE NO-DIET Think Better, Look Younger, Feel Alive & Lose Weight 30-Day Pilot Program As many of you know my best selling book, #BEMORE: 77 Secrets To Your Powerful Life has taken off like wildfire! With millions of people across the world using the hashtag #BEMORE to connect with us daily, andnow the book taking things to a new level, we've had a large demand for a focused group on the topic of diet, health and weightloss. We are just now finishing GROUP #1 and the stories have been incredible! People are losing weight, losing their issues with food and learning how to #BEMORE, without dieting, without regulations and without restrictive food plans! Look at these stories from Group #1- Sandi, I wanted SO [...]

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People Engage With Faces MORE Than They Do Logos- HOW You Can Use This Big Brand Technique In Your Small Business

  [vc_video link="https://vimeo.com/214951891/4cf4c9a7dd" align="center"] "People Engage With Faces MORE Than They Do Logos- HOW You Can Use This Big Brand Technique In Your Small Business" FREE VIDEO TRAINING from Global Social Media Influencer Sandi Krakowski   

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How To Use Facebook Groups For A Paid Mentorship

How To Use Facebook Groups For A Paid Mentorship During the last 6 years my company, A Real Change International, has run several paid mentorship groups on Facebook. It has been easy to use, offers 100% deliverability to our members and it's free! There are a few things you must have in place to make it work well for everyone. Just because it's super easy to use doesn't mean it will be easy to manage. After having more than 30,000 people go through our groups in the last few years, we've come up with our best practices and policies for successful group management. If you're running a paid group, this can help you to keep everyone on track, prevent you from getting into a situation of 24/7 moderation and prove to be very successful [...]

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