Why Posting More Often On Social Media & Not Talking About Your Products WORKS!

Why Posting More Often On Social Media & Not Talking About Your Products WORKS! For the last four years I've been saying you should post more often and sell less. In very simple terms, we teach that building culture is how you big a highly engaged platform on social media, then, sell 10-15% of the time. Be where the customer is, when they are there, and pitch your product less to sell more!" For the naysayers who STILL think it doesn't work- look at the over 6 BILLION IMPRESSIONS our brand has had in the image above and then take a deep breath. It works. And.... it's catching on!  The very same people who thought I was crazy to post 12 times per day on Facebook and Twitter are now TEACHING you should post [...]

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How To Have More Energy And Learning To Say N-O!

How To Have More Energy And Learning To Say N-O! The #BEMORE life means we do hard things. We take on topics that others avoid, we work on things in our life that so many people ignore and we strive to BE more by really focusing on who we are becoming, every single day.  Today I want to talk to you about ENERGY! Learning to have more energy, how to steward our energy and learning to say N-O. Some of you just sank. 'Oh dear, she’s going to talk about that. I have a hard time saying no', some of you are thinking. Others are giving reasons for why there’s always a good reason they can’t say no.  Let’s go here, shall we? How would you like to JUMP out of bed in the [...]

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Take Time…

TAKE TIME TO TAKE TIME.  When was the last time you took time to rest, time to feel, time to open your heart so you can sense God all around you? Life is filled with obligations and stresses, lists and chores, and it’s so easy to forget to take care of you, and you fail to let God Himself tend to your heart. You don’t necessarily need a week off; you might just need to give yourself a few minutes each day so you can find your WHY again in the midst of worrying about all the HOW. In the middle of your calling, your ministry, your business, and your purpose, don’t forget to take the time to take time. Put your To Do list aside. Eat a meal a little bit slower. Put your [...]

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The #BEMORE Book $2.99 SPECIAL!!!

  Happy Valentine's Day SPECIAL On The #BEMORE Book! Just $2.99 on Kindle    SECRET #28 KEEP ON PUSHIN’ The two things I have been hearing God say over and over are: (1) Punch fear in the face, and (2) Do hard things! Fear is not a bad thing in and of itself. We are wired with fear to protect us from danger. But when it is the compass for our lives and becomes toxic it is no longer useful. Fear actually becomes more harmful than the danger we are alerted to. When you feel fear taking control, punch it in the face, kick it in the teeth, slap it, and tell it to shut up. Tell this fear that God gave you discernment to know what you really need to worry about and [...]

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