EXPECT MORE . . . BE MORE  How many times have you asked yourself, What if it does work out?  Seriously, what if all those dreams you’ve had actually start to come true and things start going your way?  One of our biggest barriers to success is our tendency to prepare for failure. We try to protect ourselves from disappointment and to avoid expecting too much out of life.  Do you realize what an insult that is to God? When we try to calculate how He is going to do what He said He can do, we are not really believing in Him. In fact, we are making Him smaller.  But when we believe God for bigger and better, it is insulting to the enemy. When we couldn’t care less about how He does [...]

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EMBRACING Naturally Curl Hair! My best hair tips

EMBRACING Naturally Curl Hair! My best hair tips: Alot of ladies commented on my last photo on Facebook (I've posted here again) with curly hair. Yes, this is my natural curly hair. (and my color! Hahaha just kidding on the color) Here are some of the tips I can share with you that get rid of frizz, help you to enjoy your curls and will change the texture of your hair QUICKLY!!  TIPS FOR GORGEOUS NATURALLY CURLY HAIR: 1- MOISTURE is what makes curly hair gorgeous. The first thing I discovered a few years ago (even before I embraced my curls) is that you DO NOT need to use shampoo daily. I only use shampoo on my hair 1-2 times per week. For those of you who say that your hair would be oily and [...]

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How To Turn Your God-Given Gifts, Talents & Abilities Into A Profitable Business!

Have you ever wanted to make more money by doing something you really enjoy, are perfectly wired for and can't wait to wake up to every single day? Then keep reading....  The #1 question we get asked on a daily basis and it's the top question everyone was asking on the #BEMORE tour is- "How do I know what I would be good at and then once I find that 'thing' how do I monetize it quickly?" I am ready to help!  Is there a passion that you love but have no clue how to monetize it and turn it into a profitable business? OR are you already doing something in your regular 9-5 job that you're really not even being paid for that you KNOW could turn into a business but you have no clue [...]

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BIG THANKS to the #BEMORE Launch Team!

BIG THANKS to the #BEMORE Launch Team! Back in November, when we began to plan the release of my now BEST SELLING Book, #BEMORE: 77 Secrets To Your Powerful Life I had a meeting with a small group of bloggers who had agreed to do blog posts, Twitter and Facebook posts and more. These people have had a significant impact on not only the release of the book, they were a big encouragement to me as we stepped out to do something we had never done before. Our FIRST release of the book, given with preorder offers from my blog brought in thousands of orders! We are so so grateful. Then these bloggers listed below started blogging! The book tour took off! More than 11,000 people attended! WOW! We have since had a second printing [...]

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