What Comes First? A Successful Blog OR A Best Selling Book?

  What Comes First? A Successful Blog OR A Best Selling Book?  People ask me all the time how to build their best online store or platform so that 'when' their book takes off and they have thousdands of new visitors to their website, what they build can support the enormous growth. Have you ever had the same question? Here's my answer. It won't happen. First of all there's no such thing as writing a hugely successful book that grows like crazy without having an online platform first and then all of a sudden your platform grows really big because the book took off. Very few (and I mean VERY few) books take off without a successful platform FIRST. The reason a book DOES take off and the reason it IS successful is because [...]

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This is what I would do if I were you…… tour bus journal!

This is what I would do if I were you...... tour bus journal! I was sitting here looking out at the ocean yesterday in Destin, FL, on our rest day during the #BEMORE tour... and I began to think about the #1 thing ALL small business owners say they 'wish' I could help them with. Here it is: Making more money while having a blast in their business on social media.  I KNOW how to help any company, any product, any service make more money in less than 90 days on the Facebook platform. No lie. If that offends you that I'm so confident and you think I'm bragging, I'm sorry you feel that way. I know that if I were to be able to take over YOUR business I could change your income, [...]

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A road trip on a tour bus for two weeks…. OH MY!

A road trip on a tour bus for two weeks.... OH MY! When Jerry Niswander, my CEO, suggested we do a 10 city roadtrip to celebrate the #BEMORE movement and the new book we were releasing, I honestly had some serious concerns. Aside from all of my issues with needing quiet space to refresh and my natural tendency to be a diva, I wasn't quite sure it was a good idea.  Then I flashed back to a memory in 2006 when our family relocated to Indiana and Alan had just taken a new job at Monaco Coach. This was years before he accepted my offer to work at ARC full time, and he was pursuing his career in design engineering. We had taken a day tour at the production facilities where he worked and [...]

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NEW YEARS #BEMORE FACEBOOK CHALLENGE As a coach, consultant, and someone who gets to see the 'inside' of small businesses all year long (as well as very large brands!) there are a few tips I'd like to share, and for you to consider, that will help you manage your time more efficiently and your energy more powerfully on Facebook.   Write this down: Time AND Energy are related. There's no such thing as pushing through your time and having a ton of energy long term. There's no such thing as being lazy with your time and having a ton of energy long term.  The things that drag the 'life and shine' out of us the most are the things that are not in alignment with our goals, values and purpose. Facebook is a fantastic place [...]