My VIRAL Organic Post That Reached 11.9 MILLION People In 6 Months!

I've been reviewing my reports for my Facebook page during 2014. What an incredible honor it is to see more than 557,000 PEOPLE who have followed my business page just this year! HOLY MACKERAL!  Then I began reviewing the most VIRAL posts we've done all year. THIS post says it all with a reach of over 11.9 MILLION people and 214,000 shares! (You can see it here: Most Viral Post) As you can see this post was NOT promoted or boosted. This is 100% ORGANIC REACH. It is such a joy to connect with all of you every single day! HAPPY NEW YEAR to you!! With love, Sandi Krakowski          

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How Did We Get Here And Will You Be Ready For The Shift Coming?”

"How Did We Get Here And Will You Be Ready For The Shift Coming?" I was playing with my little kitty Chanchita today. I rescued her last year when she was only 1.5 lbs. She's very unique. She's doesn't really meow, she chirps and semi-meows as she talks to you. And she talks a lot! (Yes I know they say pets mirror their owner! Ha!) Her little body is a whopping 8 lbs and she's full grown. With little tiny legs she can't jump onto counters so she climbs onto any nearby chair or table or anything she can to get up high. She's a forever kitten, teeny tiny but powerful!  As I was rubbing her belly and her face, which she absolutely LOVES, I wanted to do a video! I wanted to show the [...]

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Did relatives at the Christmas party discourage your business dreams?

   I get it. You were at a Christmas party with relatives, doing your best to #BeMore and make a difference, and before you know it, YOU were the center of the conversation. It wasn't good. People were asking you why you are still chasing your dreams and before you knew it, everyone was discouraging, negative and you wanted to run away!I've been there. Nearly every holiday gathering for many years, this would happen. Then when I started writing for some public magazines and it became OBVIOUS I was not changing my tune, I was not going to listen to 'their advice', relatives stopped telling me to give up on my dreams. They realized, I was serious. Even after making more than $10 million dollars in business,  I still had some cantankerous people in my life [...]

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Hope For Tomorrow, Strength For Today

Hope For Tomorrow, Strength For Today This generation is at a pivotal time. Things are shifting. The heavens are leaning in and angels are watching.... and God is moving and shifting things in ways we've never anticipated or expected. Will we be ready? Hope for tomorrow and strength for today is found in Jesus. It is entirely, completely and always found in Him. His love is faithful. His grace is true. Through the years He's always been there and He will always be. The single greatest tragedy in the people of this generation is a lack of prayer. A rush... a hustle.... a pushing forward, without stopping to just BE. The link to heaven is the hope for the world. How we connect with God. Living THROUGH Him and not for Him. Great is [...]

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