Merry Christmas, From Our Family To Yours

Merry Christmas, from our family to yours! What a WONDERFUL time of year this is! Jesus was BORN to be a Savior. He was born to suffer a horrific death, to bear the weight of the world's sin and to satisfy the payment for sin, ONCE and for all. He did it all.  I love getting together with family and friends, but when all is said and done, and we get back up on December 26th, my focus will be where it is today. Jesus did it all. We are powerful! We are not victims, we don't have to live in lack, struggle or fear. He did it all, for all of us. Jesus was born to be a Savior, He was born to be a friend, He was born to be a Deliverer, [...]

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The #BEMORE Book Tour Kicks Off January 9th!

  The #BEMORE Book Tour Kicks Off January 9th! My family and I just got back from 16 days of bliss in Hawaii and now we're working hard with our team here at ARC to get things ready for the BIG #BEMORE Book Tour! Check out these photos of my brand new tour bus! I've never been on a bus tour before so I'm in that place of excited AND nervous at the same time, and I'm not sure what to expect! Sounds like a great #BEMORE moment for me personally. We will be living in a bus for the entire tour: January 9- 22nd. Each day we'll stop at hotels for refreshment and relaxation, but it's exciting to me to think about living on a luxury RV with my team this entire time! [...]

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My Very Successful Business BEFORE Google

My Very Successful Business BEFORE Google When people hear my story of building my first $4 million dollar business, they often make comments like, "Well things came easy for you. You had it made. It's so hard for me." Little do they know that they have it made TODAY, as a small business owner and they have tools and opportunity online that I never had when I started. My first online business, a kitchenware store, was created when Lycos and WebCrawler were our available search engines. Back in the early-1990's, BEFORE GOOGLE, we didn't have social media, videos, smartphones or any of the incredible tools small business owners have now. Our ONLY way to market was to purchase pay-per-click ads with the current search engines, and enter into bid-wars on a daily basis, hoping our [...]

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Let Your Challenges Fuel Your Passion Forward!

This is taken from my new best selling book, #BEMORE: 77 Secrets To Your Powerful Life-  Secret #45 "Let Your Challenges Fuel Your Passion"  It has been my honor to pay for adoptions, build a school for children in Thailand, feed the hungry and to pour into other things that when originally talked about 25+ years ago seemed like an impossibility! This years dream is to pour money and my expertise into some startup companies. To lend funds to small business owners who have a big dream. It seems like quite a ways off and someone recently told me, "Do you have any time or energy for that?" Just watch me! My challenges don't provoke me toward workaholism or other weak pursuits anymore, rather, they draw me to finding new solutions to helping others [...]

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