A Year Ago Today….. I almost had a nervous breakdown

A year ago today I almost had a nervous breakdown.... I was supposed to be on a plane to go to Hawaii for a family vacation. I ended up hospitalized for a week and on over 8 months of bedrest for Addison's disease, multiple spinal cord tumors, over 9 herniated discs and more complications. I sent an email to Jerry Niswander, a man with an incredible reputation for leadership. He was the heart and mind behind Jesus Culture the global movement that has over 3 million people connected to them on social media alone. I knew that he was in a new season of his life, and I was in a desperate place. This is what my email said. " Jerry, I can't do this anymore. I'm sick, I'm weary and what God gave [...]

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Did you miss “The Social Media Bootcamp” LIVE class last night?

Did you miss "The Social Media Bootcamp" LIVE class last night?  WOW!!! What a class we had! On this class I taught all NEW CONTENT that I couldn't wait to share. This included strategies to grow your brand, increase engagement, increase sales and LOWER your budget (and time!) by more than 1/2! The results you can get in your business in less than just 30 days is incredible! I've been personaly doing these new techniques for the last 90 days and we've seen results like never before! Our engagement has TRIPLED and the new organic likes to our pages are unlike anything we've ever seen. Beyond that, our sales have sky-rocked and thousands of new people have discovered our trainings! Just look at this feedback from last night! When we do a LIVE class we [...]

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A Word for 2015

  Renew, Restore & A Word For 2015 Where did this idea of 'out with the old, in with the new' come from? It's a great way to clean a closet and tidy up a kitchen cabinet, but when it comes to our lives, God's mind is RE. The prefix RE comes from the Latin meaning "again and again" to indicate repetition, backward motion. Regenerate means to GENERATE again and again. To restore is to store repeatedly. To RENEW, you will now see, means to bring to new, again and again. The Hebraic culture and calendar was never set in motion with this habit of 'out with the old, bringing in the new.' Nothing was ever wasted. God didn't do away with years gone by in order to create what He was dreaming of for the future. He built upon, [...]

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Should Christians Have A Christmas Tree? What Did Jeremiah Actually Mean By That Warning In The Bible?

Should Christians Have A Christmas Tree? What Did Jeremiah Actually Mean By That Warning In The Bible?  This is the time of year when some people go off on tangents about what Christians should do and not do when celebrating this holiday we call Christmas. Several people have been asking me about this today on my Facebook page. Here is my response to this common holiday question.   Should Christians have a Christmas Tree? And what did Jeremiah actually mean when he started warning people about decorating trees and giving a stern announcement of God's judgement on such practices? My personal opinion, when I see people on Facebook telling others to take their Christmas tree down and 'repent for the soon coming judgement of God is going to be upon them!'  is that this is such a misinterpretation [...]

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