Word For Today: November 24, 2014 regarding the events in Ferguson, MO

WORD FOR TODAY: November 24, 2014 8:45 pm CST regarding the events in Ferguson, MO As someone who has been noted as one of the most powerful social media influencers in the world, and one who has been called by God to stand on this platform, I feel a moral obligation to say something. I feel an obligation to the world to speak the KINGDOM into this situation that has just occurred in #FERGUSON. Here are the words that I believe God would have me to release. We live in a generation that is different than any other generation we have ever encountered before, in the history of mankind. We are able to communicate globally with a smartphone through social media, and we are able to connect with one another in real time, in seconds, over [...]

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The most exclusive program we offer that brings high-achieving entrepreneurs together for one year

2015 VIP Private One On One Business Consulting With Sandi Krakowski  It has been VERY exciting going through all of the applications that have come in for our 2015 VIP consulting program. We are going to have one of the best years ever. Currently we have an equal amount of men and women in the group, POWERFUL business men and women.  These clients are serious about living to #BEMORE!   Due to the extremely high caliber of entrepreneurs who will be in this program, I felt an obligation to send out one last 'call' to those of you who may be interested, or have missed my previous invitations.   This is an exclusive group that connects high-achieving entrepreneurs, industry innovators, best selling authors, musicians and more and helps them grow their business ten-fold.   [...]

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Why Facebook’s Recent Changes For Advertisers Is A Great Thing IF You Care About Your Customers

  Why Facebook's Recent Changes For Advertisers Is A Great Thing IF You Care About Your Customers Before you freak out about Facebook's recent changes and start reading all of the articles online that say that Facebook is hurting businesses, ruining brands, and causing people to leave the platform, let me challenge you with this one question: Does traditional direct response marketing without relationship work on social media as an effective form of marketing? The answer is NO. An emphatic NO! Here's Facebook's latest update.... read it... then keep reading my article. (IF you want to make more money in your small business and don't want to be deceived by the media!)  People on social media have changed the way we do marketing. Actually, it's changed the way we SHOULD be doing marketing. As someone [...]

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50% OFF My Best Business Classes! Invest Into YOU!

50% OFF My Best Selling Classes! Invest Into YOU! Last week we hit our goal of 750,000 people on my Facebook page! Many of you wrote me and asked for us to extend the 50% off special just a few more days so you could get them on payday. We believe in YOU and are so happy to do that for you! If you are building a business online and want to learn how to attract more clients, close more sales and build the life of your dreams, the classes listed below will help you get there QUICKLY! NOW.....they are 50% off through November 17, 2014 at midnight ET. If you are just starting out, I recommend you buy ALL of the classes listed below and take one every month. Imagine where you could [...]

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