Do your classes work for ministries and nonprofits?

  Do your classes work for ministries and nonprofits?  During my 18 years in business, it has been my honor to write copy and create some marketing campaigns for some of the largest ministries in the nation. What an incredible pleasure it is to help a non-profit or ministry based organization sell more CDs, books, event tickets and more.  Ironically, one of the top questions we hear every single day is this, "Do your tools and classes work for ministries?" Last year we helped The International House Of Prayer in Kansas City increase their attendance to their largest event of the year "One Thing" by 37%. Not only that, but every day that the event was broadcasting live through a streaming telecast, I trained their social media team how to support their live event [...]

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The Recent UPROAR I created With My Article On

WOW! My article on got a LOT of comments on my Facebook page! HA! Did you see all the comments on my post yesterday on my Facebook page? I don't think I have ever written an article for Entrepreneur that got that much response on my page before! It was fun.... in some ways. Some people started yelling and rebuking and telling me, "You can't make me stop praying at work! You can't make me be silent! You're an apostate!"  I knew that would happen. And I am actually glad it did! (As a copywriter, as a side note, I can see my copy skills did what I wanted too! HAHA it got a DIRECT response!) Here's my response to the uproar this created and my 'Bible lesson' on what Faith At Work means, why [...]

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The #BEMORE book preorder pricing expires in just six more days!! Then it goes UP!

The #BEMORE book preorder pricing expires in just six more days!! Then it goes UP! My brand new book will be hitting stores in about 2-3 weeks! WOOHOO!! NOW is the time to get the special preorder pricing that expires in SIX DAYS! "#BEMORE: 77 Secrets To Your Powerful Life" is a resource I wrote for you to turn to everyday, whenever you need it. If you have enjoyed my posts on social media and they have been an encouragement to you, join me for a 77 day journey into YOUR mostpowerful life! Each of the 77 Secrets is 2 pages long! A great way to start your day, or to turn to when life hits you hard and you want to stay POWERFUL!    This book will deal with many areas of life where we are [...]

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WHY Facebook Is The Top Choice For Small Business Owners

WHY Facebook Is The Top Choice For Small Business Owners Building your Facebook Page in NON-traditional direct response marketing ways requires THREE THINGS that most old-school marketers and copywriters refuse to do: 1- Relationship 2- Real Time Living & Interaction Daily 3- Regular changes to how they do their brand Most direct response marketers and copywriters simply don't want a relationship with their clients, they don't want to interact with people and they DO NOT want to change the way they do things. They love to write campaigns and send them without ever having to really #LOVEYOURCUSTOMERS. Social media demands this AND it's very easy to do for the average small business owner. MOST small business owners don't have a big marketing budget, they don't have a lot of staff and they DO NOT have the masterful skills that traditional [...]

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