IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Please read! We are SO excited to announce that on January 9- January 20th my team and I will be visiting the southern and east coast states in the USA for the beginning of our 2015 #BEMORE book tour!  This event will include a special night with me for 2.5 hours, special gifts, tShirts and other surprises! Right now we have our tentative schedule and will be releasing that for registration very soon. DO NOT miss it as we will sell out fast when you see the price. TRUST ME.. it's ridiculous and EVERYONE will be able to afford a ticket. Even the unemployed and underemployed will be able to afford this one! Heehee I have you all covered! Right now we are looking for "Host Churches" that we can have the [...]

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A Generation Of Genius People Who Don’t Fit In

A Generation Of Genius People Who Don't Fit In   Many people think it would be fun, romantic and even desirable to be a genius. I’ve heard people in my classes say, “That would be nice, having a photographic memory and being able to process so much information at one time!” But if you or someone you love is a genius, or let me break it down even further, has asperger, autistic or idiot savant tendencies, you know it’s not a walk in the park. It can be downright challenging every single day. I never realized that God had wired me with a photographic memory until I was in my forties. It used to torment me how I could NOT remove visual pictures from my brain. Having a mind that takes constant pictures and likes [...]

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Injustice In The Workplace All In The Name Of Ministry

I encountered a business owner today who has extremely hard working & faithful employees! When I began to speak to these men I discovered they work till midnight some nights & pull 70-90 hr weeks, most times without overtime or even payment for these extra hours. They are worked to sheer exhaustion all in the name of 'ministry'.  Sadly, their boss thinks this is acceptable because he runs a 'business ministry'. I was APPALLED & I'll tell you right now, I'm an ordained Apostle called to abolish this kind of injustice & dishonor! Let it be known that GOD HIMSELF honors the $8 an hr employee & the multibillion dollar business owner. God gives wisdom & grace to some who will be powerful leaders. There are others who are called to be powerful employees. [...]

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SECRET # 40- LIVE BIG, DREAM BIG (excerpt from my new book #BEMORE: 77 Secrets To Your Powerful Life

SECRET # 40 -LIVE BIG, DREAM BIG Far too many of us end up living in a refrigerator-box-sized life and have no clue we are holding keys to a mansion. Too often we keep our lives smaller so we won’t be so disappointed. We minimize our goals so we are less likely to fail. We limit our dreams and ourselves so we don’t let anyone down. Yet, deep within our DNA is the human desire to expand, go further, and test the limits.  Deep inside all of us is a yearning not only to do more, but to be more as well. So, living timidly and protecting ourselves actually does let someone down. In not pushing ourselves, we are falling short of our potential and short of what God intended for us. We think [...]

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