Let’s Work Together In 2015- You Game? 2015 update and coaching opportunities!

Your Goals- MY Focus In 2015  I'm sitting here in my living room in Indiana, sipping some KrakHaus Brand Snickerdoodle coffee that was french pressed in my beautiful kitchen. For the last 4 years this has been where I have started my day, talking to God, praying over my day, and getting ready for all that awaits me. On this particular Saturday, however, I've got two emotions running through my heart- super excited and super nervous. HA! Have you ever been there? On Monday, our movers will arrive and Alan and I will make the last trek of our corporation relocation to the Kansas City, MO downtown area. All of our other staff are already there, they made their moves during the last few months. Now it's my turn. PHEW! Indiana has been so [...]

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The Evolution Of A Blog

  When I first started this blog in the fall of 2009, I had been running businesses online for 14 years. But this was the FIRST time I had put myself out there to teach others what I was doing. I still remember the struggle of, "How on earth do I break this down? I mean.... how DO I do this anyways?" So many people were asking me every single day to teach them how I had grown my first email list in the 1990's to over 35,000 clients in under 2 years. They wanted to know HOW did I make over $1 million dollars 100% SELF TAUGHT with my kitchenware business? HOW did I get my blog to show up on the first page of Google in just a few days after it [...]

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Small Business Made Simple- Making Your First $50,000

  Got a minute? I've got some great info for you! Have you made $50,000 yet in your own business? If so..... this is not for you. But if you haven't and you're frustrated, nearly giving up and praying for answers.... I have some! During the last week I have been praying and seeking answers as well. The question that I have lifted up to heaven is this: "How can I help 500 students who are serious about changing their lives, rewriting their families history and imparting TO them what I have learned in the last 18 years of business in a BIG way?" When I look at the life God has given me, it is truly remarkable. It's been an incredible thing to become one of the best marketers in the world online and [...]

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The 10 Day Quote Graphic Challenge!

  In my Inner Circle Coaching group we are doing a BIG 10 Day Quote Challenge!  3 PEOPLE will win a FREE month in the Inner Circle Coaching Group! Every day, starting Monday, September 15th, I will post instructions on what kind of quote to create. I'll include your background theme, ideas for fonts and more! For 10 days, the Inner Circle members will add the quotes to their Facebook page. We will have 3 winners-  most likes, most comments and most shares! To be a part of this fun challenge, join us in the Inner Circle coaching private group on Facebook NOW! http://www.arealchange.com/innercircle   By the way, this month in Inner Circle I'm teaching, "How To Create Incredible Quote Graphics Easily"! Learn how to get more targeted followers to your Facebook Page and close more [...]

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