Remembering Robin Williams & My Own Battle With Depression

Growing up with Mork and Mindy, I can honestly say that Robin Williams was one of my most favorite actors of all times. He made us all laugh. As he played Patch Adams, a therapist in Good Will Hunting, a teacher in Dead Poets society and even a robust woman in Mrs Doubtfire, he lived his characters. I often wondered if he was even 'acting', because he was so true to his roles. Taking on each character seemed so natural for him. He could shift between personalities and characters so easily, it made our hearts smile, cry and laugh every time we saw him. As the world was in shock hearing of his death, I began to think of my own journey through depression for many many long years.  Depression wears many faces. It can be [...]

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How To Stay Happy Even In Challenges

People ask me all the time how I am able to stay so #happy. I would like to share with you some spiritual strategies that you can use instantly to change your mood and elevate your spirit. Happiness is something that is not rooted in what we own, how much money we make or even in what we do. It is rooted in WHO we become. My personal #happiness factor is rooted in who GOD says I am. This is the equation that I focus on when things get rough, I make mistakes, circumstances are hard or other things that could easily drain my energy and my joy, if I let it.  Many people believe this equation: Who I am = what others say or think of me + what I do. This equation [...]

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She Changed Us All…. Thank You Grandma Betty

My grandparents all passed away by the time I was 5 years old. I really only met 2 of them. The other two were gone before I was even born. My heart longed for grandparents most of my childhood and even into my teen years. At my wedding I really missed not having grandparents there to cheer me on and give me words of wisdom. So when I first saw Grandma Betty on InstaGram I instantly adopted her. She became my favorite grandma. Every single morning I would make my coffee and then check in on what Grandma Betty had to say. She became a real part of my life.  She was the world's grandma. Her grandson, Zach Belden, wanted to capture some moments with his grandmother as she was battling lung cancer and the [...]

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Are You Still Thinking About “The Social Media Masters” Program?

  [vc_video link="" align="center"] Are You Still Thinking About "The Social Media Masters" Program? Watch this to get some of the LATEST information on this exclusive mentorship. Doors are closing! Don't miss this! REGISTER NOW!!  

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