Faith And Family At Work- Can It Really Work?

My latest article in Entrepreneur Magazine is WAY out there. Be forewarned. The topic of faith at work was one thing. To discuss family at work is quite another and it brings with it many viewpoints, a variety of applications and definitely is not for everyone. But what happens when we bring together faith AND family at work? Let's go there, shall we? Read now.... With love, Sandi Krakowski   

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The Krak Haus Opens In 6 Weeks For Orders!

UPDATE on The Krak Haus Koffee !! Follow us on Facebook for up to the minute updates, discounts and more!  We open for orders in 5-6 weeks! SO EXCITED!!  I've been tasting coffee, sampling the beans farmers have sent us from around the world. Let me be VERY frank with you- I can get excited and even motivated about great coffee. It wouldn't be a problem for me to recommend it to you. But when I search for a bean that I can put my NAME & my HEART ON and say that I drink it every single day in my own kitchen, that's not something I can fake!  Well, after sampling and sampling and more sampling, we have FOUND the 90+ 100% Kona coffee and 100% Kona espresso beans that we'll be carrying! I'm drinking it [...]

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July 4th GROW YOUR BUSINESS Or Ministry On Facebook Special Promotion

July 4th GROW YOUR BUSINESS Or Ministry On Facebook Special Promotion! My secret for 0 to 565,000 in 2 years! SUPER JULY 4th OFFER to help you grow your Facebook Business Page! I am so excited to help you grow your business or your ministry! It is my HONOR to be able to teach you the EXACT steps I took to go from 0 to 565,000 in under 2 years! Let's take some time together, you and me, and I'll take you into my office and show you with screen sharing video captures EXACTLY what my fingers and my brain do every single day to grow and manage my Facebook page! We have helped THOUSANDS of companies and ministries to create the kind of success we have had and we are NOT charging $25,995 to do.  NOW with [...]

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How Engagement And Culture Drives Content On Facebook

How Engagement And Culture Drives Content On Facebook  Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world. There is no other place anywhere on earth where more people gather live, every single minute of the day. It is a part of our world. To a marketer, this is a dream come true. While I still believe in multi-channel marketing and continue to use many channels to build our fast-growing brand, my 18 years in direct response marketing has taught me to pay attention to two very critical things: Where are the most people at and what is driving them. Television used to be the answer. While I still believe that TV ads are very effective and it's obvious that radio, magazines and more are still very profitable for business, for the small business [...]

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