Facebook Alters The Feed Of More Than 690,000 People! My thoughts on this heated debate

  Facebook Alters The Feed Of More Than 690,000 People! My thoughts on this heated debate Facebook recently manipulated the feed of over 600,000 people! I have been hearing about this entire uproar for the last few days and praying about it intensely. I teach how to use Facebook as a marketing platform so I felt a MORAL obligation to voice my thoughts.    

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Why I Created The Krak Haus Coffee Shop Even Though The Name Sounds Bad

Why I Created The Krak Haus Koffee Shop Even Though The Name Sounds Bad Yesterday I announced one of my dreams come true. No, let me rephrase that. I announced the opening of my third corporation this year that is a dream come true for my entire family! 95% of our customers on social media were thrilled! They already can't wait to get their coffee from us! Known for our incredible "loving your customers" business model they are excited to see how we are creating one more way to serve well. But a few people wanted to know HOW a Bible believing sold out for Jesus radical Christian could ever name a store The Krak Haus. They were concerned that I was becoming 'like the world' or that I was 'speaking death' over my [...]

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PR: A Real Change International Announces New CEO To Work Alongside President & Founder, Sandi Krakowski

PR: A Real Change International Announces New CEO To Work Alongside President & Founder, Sandi Krakowski Sandi Krakowski partners with a new CEO as her A Real Change companies explode into growth. June 13, 2014—Sandi Krakowski, President and Founder of A Real Change International, Inc, Sandpaper Tablet, Inc and The Krak Haus, Inc is proud to announce the new addition of Jerry Niswander as CEO over the three corporations. Krakowski will maintain her position as President and Founder and will continue in her role as visionary creating products, working with large and small corporations, and paving a strong path into the tech industry.   Jerry Niswander is the former Managing Director of Jesus Culture. He is also the President and Founder of Rylan Records. An astute businessman known for his ability to lead teams, [...]

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Kiss Cold Calling and Phone Prospecting Goodbye And Use Social Media To Close More Sales

Kiss Cold Calling and Phone Prospecting Goodbye And Use Social Media To Close More Sales By: Sandi Krakowski Have you noticed a shift in how people communicate? No one wants to talk on the phone anymore! Even when it's a friend or family member calling, talking on the phone all day is no longer desirable! Most people do not want to answer the phone when someone they know calls. They'd rather talk to them online through social media, email or texting. So how can someone who is trying to build a business use the phone to do so? Or would a better question be, do you have to use the phone like we used to in years past to grow your company? We can't do cold calling and phone prospecting like we used to [...]

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