Creating Predictable Profits With A Highly Targeted Client Base

If you're a home business owner or a small business looking to break through into the new economy that exists online, one thing is certain- growing your customer base, filled with paying clients, is your biggest daily task. Sadly, many of the gurus out there are not teaching you step by step methods on how to do this. When I expanded my business from a freelance service provider to a training company teaching online classes, doing mentoring and coaching I was faced with the enormous task of building my list from the ground up just like you are. I quickly discovered that some of the methods people were teaching didn't work. Orthey worked so slowly that it would take me at least 10 years to get to my goal. Building a list of clients is [...]

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Rappers, Monsters & Men Eating Fruit In The Jungle

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Rappers, Monsters & MenEating Fruit In The Jungle:A modern parable in marketing & loving your customer I flew into Washington State, Seattle specifically, for an incredible time of rest and relaxation and pressing into the spirit of God. A time that was much needed for me. I've been on a long health and fitness journey, losing over 100 lbs. for the last two years, but haven't really taken the time to take rest. I had the incredible opportunity of visiting the offices of Amazon and even walking past one of CEO Jeff Bezos' many offices in the campus. It was truly an honor for me to walk on the ground of such a successful company that has made it it's mission to LOVE their customers above all.Amazon is known as "Earth's Most Customer-Centric Company" here's [...]

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Why Community Is The Key To Success On Social Media

  The beauty of social media is when global strangers connect and become neighbors. Where digital connections pass through smartphones, pad devices, laptops and more to bring people who would never meet otherwise into a space of not only daily connection, but in some cases, hourly. As we reach forward to a new generation that is striving to connect everyone to this great platform called the internet, we see corporations rising such as and Google Fiber. An internet connection in every home, in every land. Free wifi everywhere we go. Connection is increasing and it's time for you, the small business owner, to take this community based platform serious. If you are a plumber one of the first things you'll learn is how to do a service call. You wouldn't ever consider going [...]

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You Don’t Need A Website? Think Again!

Recently I've been hearing people say things like, "You no longer need a website, people are on their phone on social media, so that is all you should focus on."  Or other statements that elude to this notion such as, "Building your shopping cart system into the Facebook Platform is one of the best ideas ever! You no longer need a website!" Let me set the record straight. With 1.5 MILLION people connected to me on social media, 1 million alone on our Facebook page and millions of dollars in profits that come in every year to our corporation, there's a big reason WHY you still need a website. Don't miss this. Don't listen to someone who 'masters' one or two platforms and then tells you that you don't need a website simply because [...]

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