Bone Broth And The Path To Healing

Thank you so much for your prayers, my friends! This past Sunday I was in the hospital again with my Colitis and was bleeding pretty bad in my gut. I am happy to say I am now home and I'm healing well. The doctors were very happy by my progress. I went to a hospital that does Integrative, Functional and Traditional medicine and it made all the difference! The last time my Ulcerative Colitis flared up I put it into remission in under 3 wks. Its been since February 2011, so I'm very grateful. I'm repeating the entire process I did at that time, during the next month several month.  Would it be helpful to you if I share some helpful tips for healing your gut, losing weight, getting longer nails, staying lean and [...]

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Dissecting Of A Hugely Successful Email Campaign

  Dissecting Of A Hugely Successful Email Campaign   As we look through this email pay very close attention to why it works and what caused not only a huge increase in sales because of it's success, but also a deeper connection with my customers because it was very sincere and genuine.  In the email you'll notice the feeling of connection between leader and client, between coach and student. It's not a correcting email, making people feel bad and telling them to step up, but a heart felt sincere email that shares with transparency and vulnerability that we're really very similar.  I share that we all get off track and we all lose focus.  This isn't the posture of one who has arrived and others should all follow, but rather, the relating of one individual to the other [...]

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VOTED #1 That Sandi Krakowski Does In Class!

    VOTED #1 Thing That Sandi Krakowski Does In Class! When our members write in about the "Social Media Inner Circle With Sandi Krakowski", the #1 thing they say they LOVE to watch Sandi do is:  REWRITE ads.  Looking over her shoulder, she'll not only rewrite ads she finds on the Facebook and Twitter Ad Network, she also rewrites current students ads too! Some of our students have had Sandi rewrite an ad and then they go on to get more than 500 NEW likes to their page and sales pouring in! With just ONE AD!   Sandi currently charges $2997 per hour to write ads for her corporate clients. But RIGHT NOW, in our Inner Circle, you can spend 30 solid days with Sandi watching her, EVERY single day, and pay only [...]

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BIG Increase In Reach For Business Pages On Facebook This Week!

UPDATE ON #FACEBOOK PAGES & POSTS:  As many of you know the ENGAGEMENT MAP we created recently has brought an increase on average of 35-57% engagement for our clients who are using it. As well, this past week there has been an increase for many people on their page in reach and engagement. One reason is this: Facebook's new iPhone App now allows users to reply to other commenters with the REPLY feature.   See article in Mashable here: Previously this was only on the desktop version. This INCREASED the comments and shares because people LOVE to talk directly to others in the commenting stream and it in turn INCREASED our reach as a business because everyone who comments, their friends see it as well. Twitter is giving Facebook some BIG BIG competition and [...]

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