Facebook’s New Ad Campaign Manager! Will We See An App Soon?

Facebook's New Ad Campaign Manager-Will We See An App soon? This morning we are seeing more changes in the ad manager on Facebook that now makes it easier to see your campaign results, percentages, what to leave running, what to pause and also has individual ad groups for each target audience you want to hit. Last week I got a personal email from one of Facebook's management team members. It's been a blessing to get personal updates from them on what they're changing and what to look out for. They told me that the way ads are run would not be changing but how we manage each campaign in the ad manager was going to have an overhaul of a redesign. Yesterday was the first day I saw the switch take place and I had a chance [...]

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I want YOU to write for me! Please read….

    I want YOU to write for me! Please read....  When I started out this company five years ago, I had a dream. My dream was to create such a large platform that a variety of other talented people could collectively benefit and serve with me. So I grew a platform that serves more than 2 million clients, has more than 750,000 people connected to us on social media and does millions of dollars in sales and is on track to do over $3 million dollars per month in the next 12 months. That dream is here NOW! During the last 60 days I have hired an Operations Manager, General Manager, more Client Care Representatives, IT Professionals, Social Media Team Members and A Web Development Expert. Oh... and we hired one of the best [...]

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WHAT Are We Doing To Our Children?!

I feel a fire rising inside of me and I CANNOT BE SILENT!  Can you IMAGINE the Olympics without a winning team? A law student at Harvard not receiving grades?!  WHAT are we doing with our kids in school?  I'll tell you what we're doing. We are raising up a bunch of apathetic children who can't grow up, believe they are entitled to everything, don't know what it's like to work and sweat and work again! Everyone is a victim and it's of course, no one's fault! YOU WANT HAPPINESS and joy and overcoming power? LIFE is not a playground! It's a battlefield! Between WHO you could be and WHO you are!  We make it seem like competition is unhealthy when our heavenly Father created us with a desire to WIN! One big key [...]

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3 Strategies That Can Help Grow Your Business INSTANTLY!

3 Strategies That Can Help Grow Your Business INSTANTLY!  Everyone is looking for the best 'inside secret' for growing their sales. How can we increase our reach, grow our social media profiles, build a bigger list, gain new customers and increase our repeat orders? These are just some of the questions that I get asked on a daily basis. My latest article in Entrepreneur Magazine started going viral yesterday on Twitter when I shared 3 strategies that can help any company INSTANTLY grow their business!  If you'd like to outpace your competitors, not spend a ton of money on advertising AND increase your sales? This is for you! It's trending on Entrepreneur's website right now! Read article now With love, Sandi Krakowski ​​

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