The BEST Memories Of My Life!

18 years ago I had a dream. And.... I had a lot of fear. Hesitation, discouragement and believe me, people thought I was crazy! I was homeschooling, we were raising our 3 young men and starting a business was not something I had ever done before, aside from running a company cleaning prompt care services and corporate offices. But I have to tell you, the memories of staying up until 2 am around the holidays when orders were coming in so fast we couldn't keep up! Packing packing packing together! The laughing and giggling when I bought my husband a truck with my profits! The absolute CRAZINESS of being able to pay cash for not one but TWO CARS in just 3 months and the car dealership guys thinking I ran some kind of drug ring! HA! Those are [...]

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How I Built My First MultiMillion Dollar Online Store From My Kitchen Table

[vc_video link="" align="center"] It all happened here! I built my very first kitchenware business from my kitchen table at home! Listen as I share how I made my first million dollars and why YOU need to be a part of my upcoming class 12 Weeks To Your Own Retail Store! Watch this 3 minute video NOW!    

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What To Do With An Idiot Customer So You Don’t Lose Your Cool

What To Do With An Idiot Customer So You Don't Lose Your Cool I've been running businesses online for the last 18 years and it still never ceases to amaze me how just one person, someone who in an everyday situation would be arrested for their behavior, but hidden behind social media, email and blog anonymity, can disrupt a situation so profoundly if you're not careful you could lose not only your focus but your cool. When you're delivering happiness and loving your customers, always remember that the customer is always the customer. Let's be real. The customer is not always right. The customer who wants to return something 18 months later because they've fallen on hard times is not right. They're irresponsible. The person who bought a weight loss program and continued to eat [...]

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Happy Birthday And I’m A Miracle!

Happy Birthday And I'm A Miracle! I've spent more than half of my life in pain. Some kind of pain in my body or in my heart. And while this article isn't written to hope you'll somehow feel sorry for me, I do want to make a really big statement here that many of you might not realize, it is nothing short of a miracle for me to be where I'm at today. Since I was 4 years old I've battled illness. Even preschool was hard for me. Didn't get much better in K-6. Junior high was especially painful and that's when hospital visits began. Fast forward into my child raising years and pain became my constant compainion. Pain in my body and pain in my heart. So how did I get to where [...]

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