Mobile Marketing Territorialism

Mobile Marketing Territorialism  I see it everyday. People walking through airports, in Walmart, at church, the hair salon... the list goes on. Attached to their phone. Looking into their phone as they walk into a pole in the middle of the store. Checking something online before they purchase in person. What has that friend posted tonight on their Facebook profile? In my 18 years of building successful businesses online I have to be very honest with you, I've NEVER seen anything like it. People love their smartphones! And with good reason! You can do everything in the palm of your hands! Some people have even thrown away their laptop and gone completely mobile with nothing more than a smartphone and a pad device.  So what does this mean to us as marketers? Pay attention to what [...]

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Free copywriting training and Facebook ad reviews

[vc_video link="" align="center"] Free copywriting training and Facebook ad reviews This only happens a few times per year! A FREE inside peak into my Social Media Inner Circle coaching program. On this 20 minute video I am reviewing Facebook Ads LIVE and showing HOW to get higher conversions with rewrites immediately. I’ve been writing copy for 18 years and several national brands not only trust me to write their ads but to help them with their social media marketing. NOW you can look over my shoulder for free! With love, Sandi Krakowski         Want MORE Facebook Ads, Social Media Marketing & Copywriting Training? Join my “Social Media Inner Circle” Now! #facebookpages #facebookads #facebookmarketing #facebookmaster #ppcads #remarketingads    

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Finding Your Metron Is Not The Same As Finding Your Mentor

Finding Your Metron Is Not The Same As Finding Your Mentor Imagine if schools were to teach children how to not only identify but to reach their greatest potential. One doesn’t even have to believe in God, heaven or hell to know that operating in one’s strengths is always the most rewarding choice of all. You’ll never find an Olympic athlete who just picked a talent out of a hat because he thought it would be a good career choice. No, athletes develop their natural design and inborn talent to the point of mastery above all others in the world. What if we did this when choosing a career? My latest article in Entrepreneur Magazine. Read more:  With love, Sandi Krakowski          

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Finding Your Gifts, Talents And Abilities Once And For All

  WHAT Is Your Purpose In Life? Do you know where your personal God-given assignment is? I mean seriously. Do you know it so well and so intimately that when someone offers you a task, presents an opportunity to you or suggests you do something, is decision making super easy? One of the most critical things that happened to me in the last year that was responsible for being able to quadruple our company sales, increase our staff, receive offers from national magazines and more was the ability to know without a shadow of a doubt what I am called to. You have a metron, a measure of gifting and ability that God Himself has given to you. Inside this measure, which is a sphere of influence, your best talent, your strength, your power and your [...]

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