How To Apply Your Faith At Work In Challenging Circumstances

  How To Apply Your Faith At Work In Challenging Circumstances  My latest article in Entrepreneur Magazine is on a topic that very few people would ever dare to touch. "The Winning Traits Of Faith-Based Leaders."  It's not a playground, taking your faith to work- it's a battlefield! ONLY the strong will survive. In this article, which by the way is nearly going viral on Twitter, I give 5 steps that you can apply instantly to increase your faith at work and how to walk it out in even the most challenging circumstances. I'm talking about drama in the workplace, people on Twitter who don't know you and say things that are rude and uncalled for, how to not lose your focus when everything you trusted in CHANGES and more! Please stop by and [...]

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Crash The ChatterBox & A Live Interview With Steven Furtick

[vc_video link="" align="center"] THIS MONTH on "Sandi's Best Book Suggestions" we have Crash The ChatterBox & A Live Interview With Steven Furtick I am so excited to share with all of you today a POWERFUL interview I just did with Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church! On this video we are not only discussing his NEW book that releases today, February 11, 2014 but we're hitting topics that few people ever dare talk about. Do you struggle with doubt, self pity, fear and the worst, shame? You might be surprised to find that every single person in the world has these fears. But knowing we all struggle doesn't do a thing for helping us to be better people, live powerful lives and to become all God intended for us to be!  Knowing WHAT to [...]

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BIG 50% OFF SALE ON OUR BEST SELLING ITEMS!!! Last week I met with my team and we started reviewing some data. The most critical piece of information we were reviewing was how many NEW clients have joined us in the last 120 days. More than 135,000 people are NEW ARC Clients! We welcome all of you! What this means is that many of you haven't had a chance to get started on the "right foot" with the A Real Change Business Model that more than 2 million clients trust as SOLID GROUND for starting a business online. I want to give you a gift today, my new friends and even some of you who have been with us for quite some time. Starting immediately through February 14, 2014 as my way to show my [...]

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Faith At Work, Works!

Faith At Work, Works! I'm shocked. Truly.  So many people are completely terrified to succeed. Fears wage war in their head and the enemy screams at them with threats like, "No one will ever relate to you anymore you'll be so big for your britches!" or "Who do you think you are? God looks good when you do. What an egotistical statement." Let me just jump over this bush, not beat around it, and ask you a VERY bold question. Does God look good when you struggle, hate your job, show up late, curse your boss, gossip at the lunch table and whine about how you're going to end this nightmare and start your own business? I think not. Many times the reason people hear such negative comments from friends and family is because [...]

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