When Jesus Came Into My Heart And Other Lies Christians Believe That Are Ruining Their Career

When Jesus Came Into My Heart And Other Lies Christians Believe That Are Ruining Their Career Your value system is showing up at work. What you hold dear, credible, valued and important is being manifest through your life.   Let me ask you a very critical question: If you receive Jesus as your Savior, does that mean that YOU immediately change and your behavior now becomes like His? Sadly, more than 50% of Christians in today's generation would say, "Yes, it does." They have bought into a demonic lie that once Jesus comes into your heart and life, you are never going to be your old self again. This is a half truth and let me remind you, a half truth is also a half lie. Rat poisoning is 95% arsenic and 5% syrup. [...]

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Word For Today January 14, 2014: Obligation & Doubt Are Poor Motivators

Word For Today January 14, 2014:  Obligation & Doubt Are Poor Motivators There are many reasons people give for wanting to start their own business. When I ask a new business owner what is their "WHY" and the real thing motivating them to move forward in this new venture, I'll hear things like: I'm tired of working for someone else It's time for me to give back My time isn't my own and I want it back now We need to make more money I have to find my destiny and where I fit in To make up for all I lost and help others ​As you glance quickly at the list above, do you notice something in common? In interviewing, coaching and working with hundreds of thousands of small business owners and the [...]

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How To Make Your First Million Dollars Online

​ How To Make Your First Million Dollars Online If you are SERIOUS about building a business online, RESEARCH YOUR CLIENT. Live where they live online, pay attention to how they talk, tune your ear in to what they are saying MORE than you study how to say the right things so you can make money. Service and listening and paying attention is a successful business plan. Far too many wannabe entrepreneurs have been completed 'duped' by marketers who teach so many marketing strategies that are so over their head.... and before you know it, all they obsess about is ROI, Click Thru Rate, Call To Action and more. I'm a professional copywriter and marketer. I've written copy and made a ton of money with it for myself and my clients for 18 years. [...]

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Dreams Do Come True

Dreams Do Come TrueI've been praying for my little guys future wives since they were wee little babies. My middle guy was about 3 years old and I knew he had something very special about him and that he'd do something to impact a lot of lives. He's a thinker and a dreamer all at one time. When he was little he struggled with dyslexia and I taught him that his genius mind was both analytical and creative so we are going to work with it and not against it. He was 7 years old and struggling to read. Brilliant in figuring things out, communicating and building, but words were hard. With my plan of helping his creative and analytical side work together and declaring "You are perfect and made exactly as The Lord God Almighty [...]

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