What Is Favor?

THE FAVOR OF GOD.... EVERYONE wants the favor of God but very few people consider the responsibility. NEVER EVER forget if God puts unusual favor on your life IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU, it's so He can accomplish something in the earth. If you aren't willing to DIE to your vision so God can use you for HIS, I don't suggest you ask for FAVOR upon your life. Living in God's favor is an honor, a blessing and a very amazing thing to have such intimacy with the Father that we get to share in His plans, His heart and His vision. But it might cost you friendships, comfort and relationships that are very dear to you. Ironically, it will also press you INTO the best friendships, safety and relationships you could EVER imagine. The [...]

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Will Faith At Work Be A Good Thing When Your Job Is On The Line?

Will Faith At Work Be A Good Thing When Your Job Is On The Line? Picture this:  The economy has given the company you work at a pretty hard hit. Sales are down, competition is fierce, vendors and customers are all struggling and your job is on the line. You have 3 kids to feed, a mortgage, car payment and are still paying off the college debt you accumulated to get this amazing career started. Your boss is doing all they can to keep you employed. The marketing team starts to get creative with their budget. Taking ads on billboards down, doing less TV time and working with a specialist in social media marketing and pay per click advertising, they come up with a way to reach more clients and cut their costs in [...]

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Use Your Words To Create A Better Life

Use Your Words To Create A Better Life Right underneath your nose is a tool that is creating your future. Life and death is in the power of the tongue and we all will eat the fruit of our mouth. Are you using your words to create what you want or what you fear? Let's say you are house shopping and you will be moving from one state to the another soon. I was talking about this to a friend recently. She began to tell me how hard it would be for someone to pay the rent on her mortgage, how things would be a big challenge because her family would most likely, with their upcoming move, have to pay for two mortgages for awhile. But her resolve was this, "Thank God we make enough [...]

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Reading Google Analytics To Increase Traffic To Your Blog, Attract The Right Clients And Close More Sales

Reading Google Analytics To Increase Traffic To Your Blog, Attract The Right Clients And Close More Sales Data will direct you, if you let it. It will tell you how to sell and when to sell it. You won't need to read a custom designed NLP script so you can use the latest mind control on your readers and they will magically pull out their credit card and give it to you. It won't require studying your competitors for long hours every single night. The data is right there, in front of you, telling you exactly what you need to know. When I began teaching people how to use blogging to increase traffic to their website, draw ideal clients in and then make more money with each post, the goal was to get to 50 posts and [...]

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