Renew, Restore & A Word For January 1, 2014

Renew, Restore & A Word For January 1, 2014 Where did this idea of 'out with the old, in with the new' come from? It's a great way to clean a closet and tidy up a kitchen cabinet, but when it comes to our lives, God's mind is RE. The prefix RE comes from the Latin meaning "again and again" to indicate repetition, backward motion. Regenerate means to GENERATE again and again. To restore is to store repeatedly. To RENEW, you will now see, means to bring to new, again and again. The Hebraic culture and calendar was never set in motion with this habit of 'out with the old, bringing in the new.' Nothing was ever wasted. God didn't do away with years gone by in order to create what He was dreaming [...]

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Post Engagement Facebook Ad Secrets And How To Outpace Facebook’s New Algorithm Changes

Post Engagement Facebook Ad Secrets I've been working with more than 500 people in my Social Media Inner Circle Coaching program this month, giving them weekly tips for growing their business. However the biggest thing they seem to be enjoying every single week, are my ad writing secrets I share. Today I'd like to give you a tip of how to be more successful with Facebook's Post Engagement ad feature.  You'll find this in the ad manager as shown in the picture above. The tips I share below will help you recover from Facebook's recent algorithm changes and increase your engagement very quickly. Some of my students this month are seeing a 467% increase for less than $10 per day! Here are my top 7 tips for successful ad writing tips: 1. The goal [...]

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Do You Struggle With Negative Thoughts?

Do You Struggle With Negative Thoughts? The greatest battle we fight everyday is in the mind. The devil attacks it, circumstances distort it. Every thought you have is not true.  Every single day you will fight an assaulting terrorist who is after your land. Oddly enough, some of your own ‘men’ will join this assault through memories, distortions and other things stored in your main frame. Every circumstance, situation, words people have said, billboards you have read and more are playing constantly in your mind, every single second of the day. It’s daunting to even think of how many thoughts we each have that we’re not consciously aware of. They are creating and making our days, and who we become. Here’s a challenge for you today. Every thought you have is not your own. [...]

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Entrepreneur Magazine called!

I am so excited to share with all of you the news! The Editor of Entrepreneur Magazine called me last week and offered me a column! We're excited to let you know that you'll be able to find me as a regular columnist on coming real soon! The exciting thing is this, they've asked me to write on the exact same things I write on for my own company, Faith, Business & Beliefs. It is an AMAZING opportunity to impact more people and create a message of #BEMORE!  What an honor! WOOOHOOO! Never give up on your dreams my friends! God is opening doors in places where people would have never thought was possible! YOU, my ARC family, will be on the FIRST RELEASE announcement list for my first article!  With so much [...]

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