When Faith Builds More Than A Business

When Faith Builds More Than A Business In the late 1990's I built my first kitchenware store that grew to over $4 million dollars in profits and was built 100% online. While I did have hundreds of thousands of dollars in inventory we sold every single month, many being drop shipped from vendors all over the nation and others being shipped directly from my home warehouse, it was completely 100% a virtual business. I remember doing business with companies of various faith based backgrounds. The Mormons in Utah who sold me kitchenware. The Jewish businesses that sold me the same from New York. The Christians in Missouri and so on. It intrigued me how so many successful businesses practiced their 'faith' in their business, while others simply 'were' whatever group they said they were [...]

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When Being A Champion Turns To Arrogance & Pride

When Being A Champion Turns To Arrogance & Pride Last week I sent out an email that gave some tips on how to pace oneself and how to arrive at our goals, without destroying our life.  With thousands of replies to this email saying it was just what our clients needed, I was reminded of this simple fact: If you reach your goal of financial independence and a successful business in 5 years rather than 5 months, it's still worth it. Because if you don't?  Than that means in 5 years you'll be in the same pit looking for a new solution. No one wants to be where they are now, in 5 years. So pace yourself. Give yourself time. It WILL be worth it.  Truth be told, many people who have made more [...]

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How To Leave Your Day Job

 Are you trying to replace your income and build your own business? I have NOTHING to sell but something very valuable to share with you! I've worked with THOUSANDS of people who have left their work place and run their own business. Here are a few things you'll want to keep in mind:  #1- Pace Yourself. You only have so many hours in the day. You can't replace your income if you're dead. So don't kill yourself trying to get there. PACE yourself.  #2- Be on guard with your thoughts. You have NO FLEX ROOM at all to think defeated thoughts, to go off on tangents and to sink into a pit. GUARD those thoughts. Remind yourself daily when tempted, "Oh I have no time for this kind of horrible thought, I'm building my [...]

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