The Meaning Of A Selfie And President Obama’s Desire To Impact This Generation

The Meaning Of A Selfie And President Obama's Desire To Impact This Generation At A FuneralSelfies. It's what we call those photos that we take of ourselves. Social media invites us to invite everyone we know (and we don't know) into our lives. It's one of the things I LOVE about social media. 600,000 people connect with me through my various channels and in any given week MILLIONS of people are engaging with us. I LOVE IT!So why the epidemic with selfies and when can a #selfie go completely wrong?!Photos in bathrooms - Why do we do this? because the lighting and mirrors are so great? I DOUBT IT! Or the selfies we take with friends!  This one was taken at an ULTA store. Girls and guys if you want a selfie that has GREAT [...]

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:) !!!!!!!!

:) !!!!!!!!   (and 3,345 new people on my list)  It's a HAPPY DAY here at A Real Change! The doctor said I can do a 15 minute video AND some light exercise!  OMG.... the most activity I've had since last Wednesday!  WOOT WOOT! Let's throw a party! The latest update is that my inflammatory markers on my blood tests and more are at their lowest in 21 years! That is SUPER good news! They're waiting for other results and are very hopeful!  Much well-documented evidence that the low dose usage of hydrocortisone has been studied by many Functional Medicine doctors as an incredible tool for much of what I'm battling! You can read more on that on a Google Search. Study:  The Safe Use Of Low Dose Cortisol. In the meantime......I've been told [...]

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#BEMORE Stories To Inspire And Encourage ​

#BEMORE Stories To Inspire And Encourage ​ Listen in today on this SPECIAL video training where one of our Head Coaches here at A Real Change, Rochelle Griffin, shares what the #BEMORE message means to her. She is joined by her son, Jacob, who will also share what its been like watching his mom go from working 90+ hours per week & sacrificing everything that was important in life, thinking she was building their dreams...... to working 30 hours per week, quadrupling her income and finding her priorities, purpose and a dream come true with her son!  Watch now...   

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My December Predictions For 2014

My December Predictions For 2014 Every year in December I give my predictions of where I beleive business is going, what we should be looking for and what I believe awaits us online. Here are my thoughts on where we are going in 2014! SNAPCHAT- It is my personal belief that this will become one of the biggest tools online for business. Using this tool with treasure huts, discount codes, special insider deals and information, it's brilliant. People LOVE instant and the whole "This will self-destruct" aspect is brilliant! I also think we'll see more BIG TIME CEO's using SnapChat with an exclusive insider look that will tear down closed doors and walls in a way we never dreamed was possible!  TWITTER- This platform is getting more "Facebookish" every single week. It's still different, with [...]

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