Copywriting Reviews, Facebook Ad Critiques & MORE!

Copywriting Reviews, Facebook Ad Critiques & MORE!  Today we have a VERY special TV Episode where I'm letting you 'peek in' on a recent Inner Circle coaching lesson I did with my students in November. On this very special lesson I'll critique, rewrite and reformat : Bios on Facebook Headlines on website CTA- Call To Actions on advertisements Facebook Ads and more! This is a $5,000 copywriting critique that is yours now FREE! Take good notes because you can use some of the information I give on this exclusive video in your business TODAY! NOTE: I'm showing why MOST "work from home" ads will NOT get approved on Facebook! BIG tip! Worth thousands of dollars! I'll show you how to get your ads converting and approved in seconds! In this video training you'll see me give consultation that very few will ever have [...]

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BIG CHANGES and what you can expect!

The ALL-NEW Inner Circle! HAPPY DECEMBER!!!!!   Today is the first day we start the ALL-NEW SOCIAL MEDIA Inner Circle Coaching Program! PLEASE NOTE: While we will be talking about Facebook, InstaGram and Pinterest this month, the ENTIRE MONTH will be about social media in general.  So even if you don't use these channels, you don't want to miss what we're doing! LATEST NEWS!!! A new feature in the Inner Circle is where I'll be sharing my latest research of the week and how you can apply it to your business instantly!! This will cover all channels including:  Facebook, Twitter, InstaGram, Pinterest and even some of the smaller channels WHAT's BIG:  This is another new feature where I'll talk about what is BIG in the ad managers and marketing platforms on these channels.  WHY [...]

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Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How To Tell Your Story In A Noisy Social World Book Review

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How To Tell Your Story In A Noisy Social World Book Review  Before we get started let me set the record straight. I hate JV deals. I hate the typical pimp marketers endorsements. I can't stand the online prostitution ring where everyone has a 'favorite' they are endorsing this month and before you know it, everyone is everyone's favorite and you can't tell WHO the heck is really friends. This book review is for my friend Gary Vaynerchuk for one reason only. He is not paying me. He is not endorsing me. He is not giving me anything for free. I paid for 100 copies of his book myself to give my staff and my top clients. So with all that said.... I'm doing this because I think you [...]

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Are you always feeling BEHIND?!

​ Are you always feeling BEHIND?! or that you need to CATCH UP because you're lost & somehow got behind? The big issue is NOT catching up but being faithful where you are. "Catching Up" is a term that athletes use but as someone who was a professional athlete for a season I'll tell you that I NEVER caught back up... I just went back strong and moved ahead faster! Just do your best. Do your best everyday. Ask yourself daily, "AM I REALLY DOING MY BEST." If the answer is yes, than be at peace. Do not compete. Do not stress. Do not worry. Be your best and keep moving forward. THIS is how a champion is made! "The Champions Creed" I take full responsibility for my rising & for my falling. I [...]

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