FREE VIDEO TRAINING ON PRICING! How To Price Your Products Competitively In A Mobile Driven World

FREE VIDEO TRAINING ON PRICING! How To Price Your Products Competitively In A Mobile Driven World Today's episode is going to help a lot of you make more money! It will ALSO help you to attract better clients, get more referrals and ultimately, build the kind of business you can be proud of. Pricing is that critical to the success of a business. Everyday in my coaching and consulting practice I see people who have a great product, amazing message and even the right clients, but their pricing is WAY off. It's either overpriced or underpriced. Their either overinflating what you have to offer or they are devaluing themselves. In today's video training I'm going to give you three practical tips you can use today to make sure your pricing is on target and will bring in [...]

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The Power Of Expectation

What if it DOES work out? Seriously, what if all those dreams you’ve had actually start to happen and it does work out!? Quit preparing yourself for failure and stop protecting yourself from disappointment. You were CREATED for belief! GO BIG! It’s such an insult to God when we try to calculate how He is going to do what He said He can do. It’s equally an insult to the enemy when we believe God and could care less how He does what He said He could do, we just do our part and believe He WILL do it! The power of expectation is incredible. And before you think I’m going off on some metaphysical newaged mumbo jumbo woowoo psychosis, please remember where we get this power from! It was WOVEN into our very [...]

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How The Online Learning Environment Is A Big Platform For You To Grow A Big Business Through

Learning Online & Why It Is Bigger Than Going To A College There's a NEW definition to HAPPY HOUR! Curious what I mean? Well keep reading....  Learning online has changed so much for so many people! I remember when I built my first business in the 1990's and I was predicting that we would soon have colleges without walls, campuses with virtual professors. WOW.. look at how far we've come! But there's something even bigger than this! It's the reason that campuses are suffering and online learning is growing! It's SO BIG that it opens up a BIG DOOR for all of you to build a business online! The online learning environment has changed how we do life, learning and growing! And it's BIGGER than you even thought! Do you have a course you've been waiting to [...]

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Wishful thinking is not faith. It’s a cousin of doubt. Don’t go there.

Wishful thinking is not faith. It's a cousin of doubt. Don't go there. BELIEVE with all of your heart like when you were a little kid! Wishful thinking throws something out there as if God is waiting, just waiting, for you to throw a request out and then playing a game with you to see whether or not you deserve for Him to bless you. First of all this is NOT the character and heart of the God of the Universe and secondly, He never said, “Come to me and wish that one day I would answer you.”  No…. He said, “Seek me with your whole heart and if you do, you will find me.” Wishful thinking isn’t intimate, it’s distant. I’m not even sure if it’s hopeful. Wishful thinking is a cousin of [...]

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