Little Church In The Marketplace Isn’t Going To Work!

Little Church In The Marketplace Isn't Going To Work! Sandi Processing Thoughts this morning, so be forewarned. When the people of God go into the marketplace, why are they always trying to set up little 'churches' in the business world? The world is tired of systems, religion that doesn't change lives & hypocrisy. They want REAL. They seek real! Rather than thinking your biggest task is to see if you can get someone to 'say a prayer' with you and whisk them away into the kingdom of heaven, consider that Jesus said GREATER WORKS than He did should be normal for us. Greater! You know, greater than raising the dead, casting out demons, healing the sick, give sight to the blind and more. When we are in the marketplace, at our jobs, running businesses, [...]

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How To Run A 6- Figure Home Based Business In The Country (Working Only 15 Hrs Per Week In A Community Of Only 700 People!)

​ How To Run A 6- Figure Home Based Business In The Country (Working Only 15 Hrs Per Week In A Community Of Only 700 People!) Happy Labor Day to those of you who are in the United States! Today's episode of ARealChange TV is a SPECIAL episode with one of our head coaches, Kayla Howard.  Kayla is a homeschooling mother who first met us when she was earning $1000 per month in her home based business. Fast forward to 2 years later and she is making more than 6-Figures per year in her business, while homeschooling her children AND here's the clincher... in the country where there's only 700 people in her community AND working only 15 hours per week! She is what we call "The Excuse Buster"! If you've ever had an excuse for why you can't run [...]

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Social Media For Practitioners

Social Media For Practitioners Yesterday, on the fly, I did a live video webcast testing out a new software I'd like to start using. For about 45 minutes I took live questions and had a blast with a fun group of people! One person got on the camera and asked me this, "I work with doctors and practitioners managing their social media. It's so hard getting engagement and interaction for them because they're not going to blog, they really aren't available to be live every day. Is social media just not relevant or applicable to doctors?" My answer came quickly but I thought I'd share it with all of you here, so that everyone could see it and have it to help them with their business or ministry. Here's my answer: There's not one [...]

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380 comments in 4 hours- Be More!

This morning I woke up with a burden on my heart and a feeling that God wanted to light my fire with something. Man, was I in for a surprise! I turned on the song that was spinning in my head all night long..  "I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath Scared to rock the boat and make a mess So I sat quietly, agreed politely I guess that I forgot I had a choice I let you push me past the breaking point I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything.   You held me down, but I got up Already brushing off the dust You hear my voice, you hear that sound Like thunder, gonna shake the ground You held me down, but I got up Get ready [...]

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