50% OFF For 5 Days Only!

50% OFF OUR TWO OF OUR BEST SELLING PRODUCTS FOR 5 DAYS!   If you would have told me 4 years ago that we'd be serving more than 1 million clients in such a short period of time, to be honest, I would have thought such a thing was completely impossible.   Sure, I've grown big companies before, in a very short period of time, but nothing like we've seen in the last 4 years at A Real Change International, Inc. Thank you so much! From the bottom of my heart.   I remember what it was like to peel myself out of debt, watch where every penny goes, learn new skills and even take classes late at night. Studying into the wee hours of the morning so I could move my goals and [...]

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Marketing Tips For A Mobile Culture

Marketing Tips For A Mobile Culture The mobile culture is driving all activity done on social media. No matter what platform is your personal favorite, the activity on Facebook and Twitter is being completely driven by mobile users. It's important that you know how to talk to them, have relationship with them and ultimately, sell to them.  In doing some research through the hundreds of thousands of visitors we see every month to our blog and the over 8 MILLION we reach weekly on our social media platforms, I've discovered that mobile users are TELLING me how to market to them! Watch this week's episode where I'm sharing some of my findings from "Sandi's Scientific Marketing Lab"  NOW! ​

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Facebook Pages Etiquette 101

Facebook Pages Etiquette 101 #Facebookpages Etiquette 101: Your business page or ministry page is JUST LIKE a storefront. If you would not allow someone to come into your storefront, drink your coffee all day, bad mouth your other clients and spew their vomit all over the floor, than don't allow it on your page. There is a BLOCK AND BAN and REPORT feature for a reason. (More on that topic: http://arealchange.tv/2012/11/episode-35-how-to-handle-facebook-trolls-nutburgers-and-spammers/) While I believe in good Biblical counseling and recommend it to EVERYONE, but on your page- do not give therapy. That's not what a business page is for. Encourage, direct and help someone get help locally or send to a person qualified to help. You can't be all to everyone. If you are not a medical doctor, it is against FTC guidelines to [...]

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Be More! Do the work! Go the hard unwalked mile!

Yesterday morning I was reading through all the emails in my in box. I get thousands every single day. Some I need to read. Some I don't. The goal is to delete as many as I can quickly so I can get to what I really do need. :) Then I saw an email I didn't expect! From Facebook's Business Operations! Oh my goodness... my first thought was, "What did we do wrong? Are we in trouble?"  HA! My word.....isn't it funny where our first thoughts go? The email stated that they wanted to reach out to me as one of their top advertisers and success stories on the Facebook Marketing platform and were asking if I could meet with them to give them some feedback on how the ad manager works. They wanted [...]

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