Faith At Work- Creating A Real Change In Business!

[vc_video link="" align="center"] Come behind the scenes to see what goes on while we're building our company, serving clients, giving our best in the marketplace through our company A Real Change International, Inc.

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Building Your Best Life While Ignoring Your Critics

Building Your Best Life While Ignoring Your Critics Several times per week through social media I will post something about learning to IGNORE your critics. Everytime I do, people start chiming in that they are so grateful I shed light onto this very difficult situation- HOW to answer a critic. Many thought they needed to give a well scripted and polished answer. Others thought they should try to win their support. Still others thought it's a great platform for debate! NONE of these are the answer.  When you are building your best life don't be shocked that there are people who will NOT want you to succeed. Yes, it's true. There are people who will see your life changing, your family growing stronger and you becoming happier but they will have NOTHING encouraging to say. As a matter [...]

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How Would You Like 54,975 People Sharing Your Content & Products Every Week?

How Would You Like 54,975 People Sharing Your Content & Products Every Week? The culture of social media is a marketers dream. But ironically not every company who becomes active on the social media platform see results. What if you could see 54,975 sharing your products and services every single week? The picture above shows our Facebook page. It took 16 months to build such a culture. This is one weeks time. 370,543 post clicks in 7 days. That my friends is a marketers dream! Here are three strategies you can implement today for your business or ministry: 1. Be very consistent and regular with content posting. People have argued with me over and over again about this one. But the truth of the matter is this- when we started posting every single hour [...]

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Why Would ANYONE Want To Talk To Me?

Why Would ANYONE Want To Talk To Me? I get up in the morning, drink my coffee, check my Twitter feed and how many people have joined my Facebook page. My puppy sits at my feet while my 21 lb ragdoll cat yawns on top of my printer. Pretty same every morning. Talking to God about what is going on, via the social media world. Real people. Real lives. So why would anyone want to talk to me? It’s amazing what happens when you give people a chance to voice their opinion. 4.6 BILLION times per day people click on the “Like” button on Facebook. 400 million tweets per day. Every 24 hours. The world is talking. I remember the first time I sat at my desk and was at a loss for what [...]

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