Social Media For Musicians And Authors

Social Media For Musicians And Authors Are you a musician or an author? Today's episode is for you!  In case you haven't heard these stats before, let me break it to you gently: 400 MILLION Tweets Per Day 2 BILLION Likes Per Day People are very active on social media. So the question I have for you today, if you are an author, musician or even a business owner is this: WHAT are you doing to engage with your audience? Depending on old school marketing is NOT going to cut it. When I hear business owners, authors and musicians still questioning whether social media will 'work' or whether or not it's 'ROI will benefit them', I have just one thought that pops into my head before ANY other: "You competitors are so grateful you have no clue." [...]

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#TwitterRevolution- The Pulse Of The Planet Or The Pollution Of Our Freedom?

#TwitterRevolution- The Pulse Of The Planet Or The Pollution Of Our Freedom? Earlier this week I received an email from CNBC's editorial team about an upcoming show they were doing. They wanted my thoughts and input on the topic. Today I'd like to share a few thoughts on the show with you, all of my readers. If you are SERIOUS about using social media for your business or ministry, please don't miss the critical message that was given on this episode.​ Our client base includes corporations, small business owners, ministries and anyone who has a message. I've recently been called, "The Message On Steroids Queen" because of the ability that I have to make a message go viral quickly. The thing that fascinates me about social media, however, is not it's ability to spread a [...]

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It’s REAL Time!

It’s REAL Time! Someone just said something stupid on television. A singer is performing and they cough mid-song. An athlete collapses on the field. A 12 year old has a gun at a preschool. The wind just kicked up to 90 mph out of no where, with no warning in Joplin. Someone just tweeted about Obama and the FBI showed up at their front door. Whitney Houston is possibly dead. Real time. Right when it happens. For years journalists have raced through weather, crowds, without sleep, not even sure where they are going but knowing a story is breaking and they must chase it. The prize was given to the one who could report quickly, as it happened. The plane just crashed, who will arrive at the scene first to give first-hand information. Now, [...]

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“WHY Facebook Is The #1 Platform For This Generation”

  "WHY Facebook Is The #1 Platform For This Generation"  In today's episode of ARealChange.TV I'm sharing a full training session I just did in my Inner Circle coaching program. BE FOREWARNED: This is raw, it's real and it's READY to give you very strategic methods you can use today to grow your client reach. Are you doing direct mail? Do you ever do phone prospecting, post card mailings, lead generation from your blog? Let me show you WHY and HOW Facebook is outpacing ALL of these methods of marketing and why it's imperative that ANYONE with any message get very good at Facebook marketing. Real time statistics, daily connection, instant feedback and data... it's a marketers dream! Watch this 20 minute training now and BE SURE you have a pen and paper ready! [...]

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