WordPress For The Business Owner

    Wordpress For The Business Owner    When you bring your business online the first thing you'll need is a website. The top choice of over 10,000 sites on the Intra-net is WordPress. The most influential people and companies in the world are using WordPress. No small wonder it's the most universal online publishing platform in the world.  Maybe you didn't realize that eBay, Oprah and even the Whitehouse uses WordPress for their website. Just take one look at the thousands of companies listed at http://www.wordpress.org and you'll see that if you aren't built in WordPress- you'll want to switch fast! I've had clients tell me that some web designers and graphic designers advised them against WordPress. The only reason this would occur is if a person didn't know how to edit and refine [...]

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2013 Best Life And Best Business Accepting Applications NOW!

  QUIT making excuses for your unlived life and make a decision right now to live the life you were designed for! There's a dream in your heart to be financially independent. You've taken some classes and you've even put up your first website. But step by step as you've worked through the training and done all that you can to make it profitable, something has been missing. I know what it's like. Having built several businesses past the million dollar mark, unanimously the times that I had the most accelerated growth were always when I was working with a personal mentor. These weren't just conference calls, website instructions and self-taught classes- but one on one, into the deepest part of business that truly the growing, profiting entrepreneur knows about.   The best way to get to your [...]

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Why Most JV “Joint Venture” Marketing Is Like Prostitution & How To Build A Big Business With Loyal Clients

Why Most JV "Joint Venture" Marketing Is Like Prostitution & How To Build A Big Business With Loyal Clients By: Sandi Krakowski   One of the greatest things Steve Jobs did so well was create loyal followers. As a devoted Apple fan myself I always chuckle when I run to get the latest product launch, knowing full well that I will be a beta- tester because all of their products get tested by customers and not geeks locked up in a test room. It doesn't bother me that there will be an update released and I'll need to install it and back up my machine to do so. Apple has won my loyalty. They've never done me wrong. Interestingly enough I've never been pitched by a competing vendor or business partner through Apple's email [...]

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3 Easy Steps For Monetizing Your Blog, Increasing Sales & Never Feeling Pushy Or Salesy!

 3 Easy Steps For Monetizing Your Blog, Increasing Sales & Never Feeling Pushy Or Salesy! You can STOP bothering people, intruding in their day and feeling like no one wants to listen to you! In today's ARealChange.TV episode I'm going to show you how to build long lasting relationships with your customers the easy, fun way! When marketing through your blog, Facebook or Twitter it's important that you know what to say and what NOT to say! Believe or not, there is a "Best Practices" code that if you follow, you will make more money, quickly. Let me teach you how to speak to your ideal client, have a great time doing so and the best part is... you'll never feel pushy or salesy! Build strong lasting relationships with your customers the genuine way! [...]

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