Sandi’s personal writings and tips for marketing

Marketing To YOUR Ideal Client

Marketing to your IDEAL client means all the difference!  Far too many business owners who come to me for copy & marketing have no clue who their ideal, most profitable and perfect client is. Here is a recent radio broadcast I did that will give you some insight on how to find out who your idea client is! The Miulti-Channel Marketing Radio Show- click here Let  us know how we can serve you!  :) Sandi

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Where Will The Money Come From?

I have had an interesting week. Coaching clients, writing copy for companies, planning the upcoming holiday, homeschooling my teen boys. There's never a lack of variety. Living in a secluded 6 acres on our property many times, because I don't watch the news, hate watching all the negativity and can't stand putting trash into my head, I run up against something that is far removed from the way my brain thinks. Recently I have been hearing a lot of negative things about money. Here are some of them: There is an idea out there that money is lacking, that money is not available and that having a lot of money can not be done honestly. Let's look at these in detail. Money Is Lacking I recently had a client register for my upcoming coaching [...]

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Did The Expectation Of Loss Or The Recession Come First

I have a client in my Marketing & Copywriting business who recently showed a 47% decline in traffic and worse in sales during the last 10 months.  Their first response to this was, "Well we're in a famine so we're grateful to still be alive!" Now without creating a lot of self-induced hate mail and worse yet someone slandering my name and saying things I didn't mean let me make myself very clear. I am very very sorry for the losses that so many families and businesses are experiencing.  The point of this article is not to show any lack of compassion.  I am simply attempting to make a point. My client also changed their entire brand, marketing message, efforts, evaluations, did staff changes, relinquished what was working to people who are unqualified and [...]

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Why a Big Ego is Always Behind “Feature Filled” Marketing

Why a Big Ego is Always Behind "Feature Filled" Marketing   "I have this great purse that has amazing leather soft as a lamb, with 6 pockets to meet all the needs of today's working woman- can hold your iPhone, your pens, your planner, your photo album and your wallet without alot of stress- making this the PURSE that most women only dream about but realize could never be created for under $1500. We meet that need by giving this purse away for only $ 495. with free shipping!" Sounds alright you might think but once you probe deeper you'll find that it answers only "FEATURE" related needs and the only "Ultra-Specific" attribute it has again is tied into it's features. Your Ego Will Market Features One of the hardest things I have ever [...]

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