Sandi’s personal writings and tips for marketing

Sometimes You Just Gotta Do The Next Thing

Sometimes You Just Gotta Do The Next Thing! Are you stuck today? Feel like the wind got sucked out of your sails?  Life happens, computers crash, projects get ruined on the hard drive and if you're a business owner, you might believe you just aren’t ‘cut out’ to do this sort of thing. My advise is just get unstuck and do the next thing. When you’re faced with a life threatening situation you don’t weigh the odds to see whether or not you’d ‘like’ to live, do you? Is there an option? The same holds true for business. Especially when you feel you're called & designed with the purpose of business in your life. Life was never created to be easy, but it was designed to be lived fully. Entering our 20th year of business, [...]

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Kiss Cold Calling and Phone Prospecting Goodbye And Use Social Media To Close More Sales

Kiss Cold Calling and Phone Prospecting Goodbye And Use Social Media To Close More Sales By: Sandi Krakowski Have you noticed a shift in how people communicate? No one wants to talk on the phone anymore! Even when it's a friend or family member calling, talking on the phone all day is no longer desirable! Most people do not want to answer the phone when someone they know calls. They'd rather talk to them online through social media, email or texting. So how can someone who is trying to build a business use the phone to do so? Or would a better question be, do you have to use the phone like we used to in years past to grow your company? We can't do cold calling and phone prospecting like we used to [...]

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Why ‘Obama-care’ was the Best (and Largest) Direct Response Marketing Piece in History

When I logged into Facebook the other day, I saw an ad in the sidebar. It said, “Sign up by March 31, or pay a fine of up to 1% of your income.” there was an image next to it, it was a calendar with the 31st circled. 
Actually, here it is: When I saw this, a thought popped into my head, “What if this deadline is just to produce scarcity? What if this just the best direct response marketing piece of all time?” Are you still asking yourself “What is the ROI on social media?” Do you really need to ask that anymore? I urge you to look at the Presidency of Barack Obama. Whether you agree with his political tilt or not is NOT the question here! Don’t get it twisted! I honor, [...]

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The Most Robust Search Tool For Keywords, Hashtags & Finding People Through Social Media

The Most Robust Search Tool For Keywords, Hashtags & Finding People Through Social Media Today I'm sharing how to find your ideal clients right where they are through social media.  This one tool revealed in this episode can connect you with people who not only need your products and services, but they are already talking about them through their posts on a daily basis! Keywords and hashtags are a bloggers best friend! When used correctly you'll create a SWARM of fresh targeted traffic. The search engines seek out good content that is being consumed on a daily basis by regular traffic. The more targeted traffic, the higher you go into the search engines and the more clients you get! It's a BEAUTIFUL thing! Watch episode #57 NOW and let's make your blog go viral, very [...]

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