Sandi’s personal writings and tips for marketing

A Real Change TV- Episode #32: Facebook Ads That Convert

Episode # 32- Facebook Ads That Convert There has never been a better time to market your business on Facebook! We have hundreds of testimonies of people getting RIDICULOUS results with Pay Per Click ads on Facebook who have never written them before. "We started with 426 fans in December 2011. After implementing everything you've taught us, it only took 10 months to get to 10,000 – no big deal. How cool is that? So much gratitude for everything you've done for us, thank you so much. How does it get any better than this?!" Steve & Jordan On today's episode I'm sharing three strategies for writing, activating and profiting from your Facebook ads quickly! And don't worry if your budget is small, this will work for anyone!   "I just wanted to let you know that after following [...]

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A New Economy Online: Content Marketing & Customer Relationships

A New Economy Online: Content Marketing & Customer Relationships By: Sandi Krakowski   “Just build a huge list of followers on Facebook and you’ll be all set!” “Get as many followers as you can on Twitter and you’ll be rich!” “Build rapport with as many people as possible and then sell to them anything you want!” Have you heard some of these statements from some of the ‘over-night’ wonders out there? You know, the guru who started 7 months ago, made a million dollars and now talks about all the millionaires and billionaires they are meeting with daily? Makes me upset... that "Momma Bear" thing in me rises. First of all, anyone who made a million dollars super fast and has never done it before is most likely going to burn through it faster [...]

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WordPress For The Business Owner

    Wordpress For The Business Owner    When you bring your business online the first thing you'll need is a website. The top choice of over 10,000 sites on the Intra-net is WordPress. The most influential people and companies in the world are using WordPress. No small wonder it's the most universal online publishing platform in the world.  Maybe you didn't realize that eBay, Oprah and even the Whitehouse uses WordPress for their website. Just take one look at the thousands of companies listed at and you'll see that if you aren't built in WordPress- you'll want to switch fast! I've had clients tell me that some web designers and graphic designers advised them against WordPress. The only reason this would occur is if a person didn't know how to edit and refine [...]

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2013 Best Life And Best Business Accepting Applications NOW!

  QUIT making excuses for your unlived life and make a decision right now to live the life you were designed for! There's a dream in your heart to be financially independent. You've taken some classes and you've even put up your first website. But step by step as you've worked through the training and done all that you can to make it profitable, something has been missing. I know what it's like. Having built several businesses past the million dollar mark, unanimously the times that I had the most accelerated growth were always when I was working with a personal mentor. These weren't just conference calls, website instructions and self-taught classes- but one on one, into the deepest part of business that truly the growing, profiting entrepreneur knows about.   The best way to get to your [...]

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