Sandi’s personal writings and tips for marketing

Are You Talking The Language Your Ideal Client Is Already Hearing In Their Head?

Are You Talking The Language Your Ideal Client Is Already Hearing In Their Head? How to attract more clients, get more leads and close more sales! By: Sandi Krakowski Do you know the language your ideal client is already speaking in their head? There is a unique and very specific language, a common set of words, that your ideal client in your niche hears in their head everyday. To write highly converting copy, close more sales on a tele-class and do more business you must KNOW what this language is and speak it! Let's take weight loss for example. I've made millions of dollars in weightloss. It's a niche I know well not only as a retailer but because I used to be a professionally competing body builder. This is just a sampling of [...]

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Building A Community Through Business

Building A Community Through Business By: Sandi Krakowski Community, where people support one another, don't tear each other down, help each other to be the best that they can be. This is my vision for business. It's been said that you should never be afraid to lose a customer because you'll still have tens of thousands of fans who love you. Those who stay are those you should be working with. This past week we discovered again what a rich, amazingly kind and supportive community A Real Change has become! This past week my 15 year old son Bobby and I spent the week in the hospital. The day I got home from our Dallas live event he was still sick from what we thought was strep throat. Typically teens bounce back fast, Dad [...]

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Creating A Revolution And A Revival In Business

Creating A Revolution And A Revival In Business We've entered into a period in time where the rules have changed, the benchmark has been raised and the way we've 'always done business' no longer works! It no longer depends on your network of friends, your letters behind your name or whether you have 'paid your time'! There's a shift taking place in business that has taken many by surprise and others have been planning and preparing for it for years. Today, a small home based business can be on equal footing with a long established business professional who has a network 100 miles long. A corporate business and a small office business compete on equal footing. Truly, a revolution- a change in established process and organization has completely 'rewrote the book' of success. Social [...]

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How To Find, Fight And Face The Resistance

  How To Find, Fight And Face The Resistance  An article resulting from the book, "The War Of Art" by Steven Pressfield  By: Sandi Krakowski The Resistance wants to destroy you, your business and your life. It's not your friend, it's not even a reminder, it's your enemy. Steven Pressfield's book ruined me this past summer because it drew out a "Warrior" that had been asleep.  I've fought the Resistance many times in my life.  The religious have rebuked me, leaders have attempted to sabotage me, my own heart was against me, my family sought to hold me back and my own mind found a comfortable quiet place to hide in pain. As I began my bodybuilding career in the 1980's I first met the Resistance on the track as I ran continuous laps seeking to get my bodyfat down.  [...]

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