Building A Home In A Recession

Last night we did something we haven't done in over 10 years! We put an offer in on a new home. Just four years ago my husband's job ended at General Motors. He had been there for 18 years. Even though my companies had been hugely successful, this was devastating to my man. After putting applications in all over Michigan, spending more than 10 months searching, applying and praying, we made the decision to move out of state. To some this might seem devastating, to us it proved to be the best decision of our married lives. After asking God to open doors outside of Michigan (and after laughing at ourselves for taking so long to get to that place, of moving outside of that state) he had 7 job offers come in during a weeks [...]

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Then what…..

    You have a website, people are coming to your website..... their opting in.... now what?! Watch this video I made for you this morning as I was taking my walk with puppy. "Announcing A NEVER Before-Available Opportunity For "Ultra Specific Secrets" to see Exactly How I Created My Explosive Business That Has Grown Beyond 7- Figures!"    

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