How To Create A “Crush It!” Campaign And Build A Big List FAST!

How To Create A "Crush It!" Campaign And Build A Big List FAST! By: Sandi Krakowski A month ago I was on the phone with Bill Glazer and we began to speak about his 3-Step process of marketing. It’s a simple process, really. You ask your customers a few multiple-choice questions. Give them an opportunity to give input. Take input, reveal it to them, invite them to an event, product, webinar or whatever it is you are marketing. Tell them you will give more strategic instruction on how to accomplish what survey revealed. It’s that simple. Not only did I use this 3-Step process to close over $ 500,000 in business in under 28 hours, which recently won me the “Crush It!” contest at the Platinum Mastermind, but I decided to take it one [...]

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The Currency Of Connection

   The Currency Of Connection- Making More Money With Genuine Relationships By: Sandi Krakowski  Business has changed. Period. If you don't like it, believe it, understand it..... it doesn't really matter. It's changed. Gone are the days of building your big old Rolodex and building a network of trusted colleagues only goes so far. The real value of your company is now related to something far greater than your business connections. It's directly related to your relationship with your customers. In a recent issue of Entrepreneur Magazine the change taking place in business was highlighted by several authors. I highly recommend you read through this archived issue on the power of connection. Here's the bottom line for any and all business owners- CEO's of large companies should pay attention, small business owners should pay attention, [...]

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Are You Talking The Language Your Ideal Client Is Already Hearing In Their Head?

Are You Talking The Language Your Ideal Client Is Already Hearing In Their Head? How to attract more clients, get more leads and close more sales! By: Sandi Krakowski Do you know the language your ideal client is already speaking in their head? There is a unique and very specific language, a common set of words, that your ideal client in your niche hears in their head everyday. To write highly converting copy, close more sales on a tele-class and do more business you must KNOW what this language is and speak it! Let's take weight loss for example. I've made millions of dollars in weightloss. It's a niche I know well not only as a retailer but because I used to be a professionally competing body builder. This is just a sampling of [...]

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Keyword Research For The Beginner- What Every Blogger Must Know To Make Profits Online

Keyword Research For The Beginner- What Every Blogger Must Know To Make Profits Online By Sandi Krakowski Keyword research will help you to compete in the marketplace. Knowing what keywords your competitors use can help you to gain momentum quickly in the search engines. When you write your blog posts, submit your articles to places like EZine Articles,  and when you upload your videos to YouTube and Vimeo these keywords will be very important. A simple and easy tool to use online for this research is Spyfu. Spyfu allows you to enter a domain or a keyword and find the SEO value, Organic Traffic value and more. If you’ve ever wanted to see what your competitors were paying for their ads in PPC and what keywords they were using, this is the way to do it. What if [...]

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