Chasing Your Dreams With A New Focus

Chasing Your Dreams With A New Focus   By: Sandi Krakowski My body hurt. I'd done my time, the body fat was below 4% and the workouts had paid off. No carbs had entered my body for more than 10 days and the lack of water had created the final 'sharp edge' I needed. Walking on stage that day, in the Mount Pleasant Body Building Championship, I knew that my dreams had come true. Overcoming every mind game and trick, forcing my body beyond it's own emotions and feelings, it had obeyed and gone beyond all of my expectations. My tan, lean and ripped body became my trophy and I'd earn a huge one at the end of the day. Ribbons placed around my neck for the best arms, most ripped abs and biggest [...]

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Why You Don’t Want To Be On The First Page Of Google

Why You Don't Want To Be On The First Page Of Google    When you build a business online the most important thing you should be doing every single day is building your list. Your house list influences the value of your company and it gives you the power to grow on command. Without a list you’re pretty much guessing as you go.  Serious business owners build their list, have a marketing strategy they follow and create products to increase their profits in a passive way. So it would seem obvious that you should also have a goal to end up on the first page of Google, right? Not necessarily. Years ago when people paid for PPC ads as the foremost way of marketing online this might have been a great target- get a [...]

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Your Guarantee Is About More Than Money

  Your Guarantee Is About More Than MoneyBy Sandi KrakowskiThe first time. It's a full gamut of emotions. You might judge yourself, check your copy, feel like you've failed or worse yet, be mad. Furious! You might even want to challenge the situation!  What am I talking about? The first time someone asks for their money back.If the first place you look is your bottom line, I'm going to challenge that perspective today.Reading through the archives of our newsletters it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that we're serious about our customers and passionate about what we do. A casual reading of our mission statement shows that our focus is always our customer. Delivering the best service, at the best prices, with the best guarantee. It's a business plan with a long term focus and it's [...]

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The Legal Side Of Copywriting, Marketing, Email Marketing and More

The Legal Side Of Writing (AND Teaching) For Your BusinessBy: Sandi Krakowski When I began my first business it was important to understand trademarked names, phrases and logos. We had over 400 kitchenware products we were drop shipping and while most vendors and dealers gave us unlimited permission to use the graphics and images in our online and printed catalog, some required that we only use 2-3 images at the most. This occurred when a vendor also sold the product we purchased from them for resale on their own company websites or catalogs. Limited use is the phrase for only permitting someone to use images and descriptions in a limited way.  Many times I used the phrase, "The Art Of Bread Rising" in my marketing and was advised several times to have this trademarked or copyrighted. We never did [...]

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