2013 Is The Year Of Mobile & Online TV- Let me teach you how to create your own 6-Figure TV Show!

2013 Is The Year Of Mobile & Online TV- Let me teach you how to create your own 6-Figure TV Show!   Have you ever seen those annoying 14 second commercials on YouTube, Vimeo, Hulu and other online sites?  Yeah me too... and they drive me crazy! Make me want to fast forward, get it out of my way.. what on earth is that commercial doing there?   Well, as a marketer of your own business let's put on our thinking caps here for a minute. $1.8 BILLION dollars spent on commercials and online advertisements can't be wrong! That is what just SOME of what the online giants are spending on these marketing channels.   The online video commercial industry is a multi-BILLION dollar industry!   At our recent event where Gary Vaynerchuk was [...]

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You were created for so much more!

You were created for so much more! When we stop taking risks and  we only play to win, we lose the power and the momentum that could have been ours to propel us into the next chapter of our journey. You were designed to grow, be stretched, recover, restore and move forward. Deep inside of you is the DNA of a Champion that knows it was designed for more. Your mind is not losing the battle, it's not exploding and it's not overwhelmed as the media, the messages and the plague of society would like you to think. YOU were created for so much more! You have a brilliant mind that longs to go places that so many would never even considering visiting. Your heart longs to be wild, stretched and moved into a [...]

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Targeted Lead Generation And Why You Don’t Want Massive Traffic

  Targeted Lead Generation and Why You Don't Want Massive Traffic By Sandi Krakowski Targeted lead generation is an area of marketing many entrepreneurs struggle with. Sadly, many new business owners buy into the notion that if they get enough traffic and enough leads they'll have an explosive business. This couldn't be further from the truth! If you sell curling irons you don't want bald men coming to your website! WRONG kind of traffic! Even if you get enough leads generated by whatever opt in form you can create, if they are not clients who have an interest in what you sell, have not demonstrated a previous purchase for such things and aren't willing to buy- you'll be extremely frustrated. Recently I saw an advertisement for training on how to generate more leads quickly. It was [...]

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ARealChange.TV- How To Handle Facebook Trolls, Nutburgers and Spammers

  Episode #35- How To Handle Facebook Trolls, Nutburgers and Spammers Now that you have a LOT more followers on your Facebook page, because you've been following step by step what we've taught in our last two episodes... I want to prepare you as a Warrior for what lies ahead. Let me break this to you gently- 2 out of every 100 people online are a wee bit too coocoo for Cocoa Puffs! Yup.... not all together straight, if ya know what I mean. They spend their day on Facebook looking for people to argue with. Their self-image is solely reliant on being able to troll Facebook Business pages and a need to correct the expert.  Never fear.... Warrior Training is here! Listen, I have no time for spammers, those who troll my page [...]

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